Why Do Cats Like Boxes? – IOTW Report

Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

PawCulture : Those empty boxes may be trash to you, but your cat can’t get enough of them. What’s up with Fluffy’s affinity for cardboard castles?

There are several reasons why cats love boxes, but the big one is safety and security, says Marilyn Krieger, a certified cat behavior consultant and owner of TheCatCoach.com.

“All animals have different coping mechanisms,” she says. “This is a cat’s way of dealing with stress. If she’s feeling overwhelmed or in trouble, she can retreat to a safe, enclosed space where she can observe, but can’t be seen.”

In fact, a recent study in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science found that boxes can actually help reduce a cat’s stress levels.  MORE

17 Comments on Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

  1. Cats are attracted to boxes the way tornadoes are attracted to trailer parks.

    All my cats are cardboard box aficionados. Two cats and one box always turns into a comedy routine. Three cats and one box, an old-school rumble.

  2. A large paper bag laying on it’s side is just as
    good as a box, and then you scratch on the end of
    the bag. Cut a hole in the end of the paper bag and
    you have a boxing match.
    My kid at 7 has finally given up her TV box house.
    She never napped in hers either.

  3. @Sahara: “My cat loves plastic grocery bags.”

    Our indoor tom disappeared once. We practically tore the house apart looking for him, finally tracking him down to a tiny plumbing access hole in a wall in the basement. Turns out he was playing with a plastic grocery bag and ended up with the handles around his waist… he couldn’t get away from the terrible noisy plastic bag monster that was always right on his tail, no matter how fast he ran.

    That was five years ago. To this day he still runs for cover any time he hears a plastic bag. Treat bag not included, though.

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