Why Do Fools Fall In Love? – IOTW Report

Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

Crocketts Saloon

“In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.” – Barack Obama

Percentage of U.S. population that is Muslim – .o8% – Wikipedia

Try as I might, I just can’t recall any of the Muslim ‘achievements and contributions’ Barry refers to … unless it’s the recent ‘Kill the Jews’ demonstrations held in Chicago, Miami, New York, Boston, and Los Angelesgenocidal soirees sponsored by his dear friends inCAIR …

In 2010, James Lewis wondered Why Do Jews Vote for Their Enemies?

American blacks vote Obama for the color of his skin. American Leftists vote O because they hope he will shaft this country more royally than anybody else has so far. So what excuse do the Jews have?



18 Comments on Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

  1. I think the word you are looking for is bupkis.

    Often translated as meaning small round fecal pellets, referring to the shape of goat droppings. A colorful usage, though more emphatic expression is “Bupkis mit Kuduchas” – translating roughly to “shivering shit balls”

  2. The moslems have contributed nothing but hatred, murder, effrontery, disease, inbreeding, intolerance, torture, mutilation, retardation, cult-fanaticism, kidnapping, rape, pederasty, and bad breath to the world.

    The universe, in fact.

    Oh, forgot goat sex.

  3. My best friend, a jew now living in Israel, tells me how his whole family is vehemently pro Obama, to the point that most of them will not even talk to him anymore. Imagine the fatal cocktail of white guilt, PC and REgressivism. They’re gulping that concoction down by the pitcher full.

    You have to understand REgressivism IS their religion even if they still practice Judaism. It’s not so much they “hate” Israel or love Hamas, it’s their devotion to REgressivism and if their true religion is telling them Israel is in the wrong, then that’s that.

    I swear if there were dems like Scoop Jackson that somehow regained control of the Democrat Party, I’d pay a dollar to see the pretzels these morons would have to tie themselves into when their party took a hard stance against the 7th century goat fuckers.

    Funny thing is his sister is married to a black guy and he’s a conservative-talk about irony.

  4. Condoms. When Europeans first ran across Mooslimes, things were friendly enough for one group to ask the other, “How do you keep from impregnating your wife,” to which the reply was made, “We use goat intestine.” This prompted the invention of the condom, although to this day Mooslimes maintain that it’s not necessary to remove the intestine from the goat.

  5. Actually, muslims are directly responsible for the establishment of the permanent United States Navy. See, way back when, the muzzies used to ship-jack Christian ships and enslave the passengers and crews. Of course, if a tribute was paid to the local potentate by the government whose flag the ships flew, the passengers were safe. For a while.

    But the rules kept changing, so Thomas Jefferson got congress to give him money to build a Navy. Which sailed over to the Barbary Coast. And kicked the snot out of a bunch on muzzies on the Shores of Tripoli, and convinced them to stop Effing with our people.

    So the Muslims of North Africa were indispensable to the founding of the United State Navy as we know it.

    But hey, F*ck them, anyway

  6. The muzloids actually did give something to Western European culture — zero. No, not “nothing.” Literally, they gave us zero. Until the muzloids got kicked out of Spain, we understood that, in accounting, there was a “nothing.” However, we just didn’t have a name for it and our numeric system was a bit antiquated and couldn’t make use of it. When the Spanish Moors helped translate the texts left over when the muzloids abandoned Spain, they translated the accounting term “zero.” Not knowing what to write, the European scholars left a “hole” on the page. Hence, 0 (zero).

    So, that makes TWO zeros the muzloids have given us. I can take one and leave one.

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