Why Do Foreign Countries Need Lobbyists? – IOTW Report

Why Do Foreign Countries Need Lobbyists?

Isn’t That What Embassies and Ambassadors are For?



4 Comments on Why Do Foreign Countries Need Lobbyists?

  1. Politicians are bought and sold like a herd of cattle. Lobbyists can do things countries can’t.
    They can also serve as an ATM for politicians. They can also be spies, who relay confidential information through lesser known channels.

  2. As long as foreign governments pay BIG bucks to retired congress members for their influence, how can you expect congress to vote to end the practice? That would require integrity; a commodity in short supply in DC.

  3. Ambassadors and embassies are for elite gays to have international house parties.

    Did you know House Republicans, led by Jeff Duncan, have a bill which makes it illegal for any flag other than the U. S. flag to fly over our embassies? You can guess which flag is problematic. Hint: it ain’t Al Qaeda’s.


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