Why does Christopher Wray still run the FBI? – IOTW Report

Why does Christopher Wray still run the FBI?

Dan Bongino returns to AMERICA First to talk about the plot against General Flynn, and the corruption at the FBI that made it possible.

14 Comments on Why does Christopher Wray still run the FBI?

  1. Cooper
    There may have been a time when the rank and file FBI agent was honest.
    But eight looong years of Obama flushing out non-Leftist agents has probably made it 50/50, with leadership at 100% swamp.

  2. Wray is a career civil servant, which means he’s voted Democrat for the past 40 years! Which is why the Democrats let him sail through as a replacement! That was our first indicator; that, and his hairdo.

    Look up Horace Wilson, Neville Chamberlain’s personal advisor as PM.

  3. I am beginning to subscribe to Q’s rope-a-dope theory to explain why so many deep state cabal members have been allowed to remain and sabotage PDJT.

    The theory is that the patriots already have enough rope to hang them all but they were allowed to remain active to continue the coup in order to destroy their own credibility with the American people who will have to be onboard before wholesale arrests are made.

    As everyday passes now with more information becoming declassified the truth of what these seditious rat bastards have done becomes more obvious to the public.

    In the interim they have been left in place but covertly surveilled in order to map the scope and depth of their crimes. Almost like useful idiots ( Comey, Wray, Rosenstien) they felt immune from prosecution and continued their treasonous behaviors that add ammo to their eventual indictments.

    Remember we fight against 120+ years of Satans infiltration here.

    Since the alphabet agencies have had control over the media and big tech they control the narrative. that any legal action taken against their lackeys is just political retribution and unjustified.

    Imagine the civil unrest if the Chicago Jesus was threatened without literal mountains of non -refutable evidence. It has taken years to prepare. the American. people for the storm.

    It will come .

  4. Also…. ALSO …. where is Rod Rosenstein???
    Remember when our president invited him for a ride along on Air Force 1 ?
    Then …………….. crickets?
    I’m guessing he’s assumed the role of an Ace in the hole.

  5. @Cisco Kid — I sorta concocted that theory as well — I think, more than anything, to try to explain to myself why Trump’s WH wasn’t seeing what was plainly there to see.

    The only problem, so far as I can see, is that the Congress and these agencies have written laws and adopted “traditions” that effectively give them all kinds of extra-legal immunity from crimes and misdemeanors that apply to the Hoi Paloi. Why, for example, would a former senior intelligence head, for example, be allowed to retain their security clearances while being employed by a cable tee vee outlet? Why have known leakers been allowed to walk away from proof they leaked? Why hasn’t Adams Schiff, for example (a serial leaker), been charged? There’s too many real crimes to list here — just in the last 12 years!
    Everyone knows that awful woman who weaponized the IRS on behalf of obama shouldn’t be out there collecting her pension!

  6. @Cisco Kid May 4, 2020 at 5:24 am

    > the American people who will have to be onboard before wholesale arrests are made

    @AbigailAdams May 4, 2020 at 6:56 am

    > @Cisco Kid — I sorta concocted that theory as well — I think, more than anything, to try to explain to myself why Trump’s WH wasn’t seeing what was plainly there to see.

    It doody doody do take brilliant minds, to explain away ones’ own, lying eyes.

    Because, yeah, the loyal citizens have to have their loyalty stoked, before The Party declares itself good. Still good. Again. Same as it ever is. Declared by The Party. The One Party. The True Party. The Everlasting Party. For The Party. The One Party. The True Party. The Everlasting Party.

    Because a Prince of The Party, declared Emperor For The Day, must have some other plan, some plan Q, to destroy The Party. The One Party. The True Party. The Everlasting Party. Before going back to being a, mere, Prince. Of The Party. The One Party. The True Party. The Everlasting Party.

    And people “wonder”. Why they’re “confused”.

    ‘Tis a truly a wonderment. Indeed.

  7. President Trump wants Wray there for a reason. I trust the president so I won’t worry about the why of the matter. Everything will come out in the end.

  8. Trump left Sessions there forever when he wasn’t doing a damn thing. Now Wray is there hindering investigations and Trump still doesn’t fire him, this is BS. Fire his ass now!


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