Why does this pervert get the run of any bathroom he wants to go in? – IOTW Report

Why does this pervert get the run of any bathroom he wants to go in?

He should be in an Insane Asylum

HT/unnamed-12 Sam S.


34 Comments on Why does this pervert get the run of any bathroom he wants to go in?

  1. I remember they said that skinny anorexic people saw themselves as fat when they looked in a mirror.

    I wonder what these trannies actually see when they look in a mirror.

  2. In tonight’s news:
    The president has decreed that all walls, doors, and other impediments to visual activity will be dismantled on all public bathrooms so folks can easily see the genders using the newly open-air bathrooms before they go in, so they can avoid all white oppression and microaggression

  3. Feminists scream and yell that “women’s clothes” is a social construct and is sexist and no one should imply that women “should” wear certain things or look a certain way.
    But whenever a dude says he’s a woman, he goes to the stereotype of what a woman “should” look like.

    Why can’t he just simply look like Fred in accounting while saying he’s a woman?

    Why the halloween costume get-up in pumps?

    It’s fulfilling a fetish, it’s not a biological mistake.

  4. Why is it when I jam a feather up my ass and hop around the yard like a chicken, the rest of the chickens don’t accept me as one of them?

    Even fucking chickens know better.

  5. Gender appropriation?

    Funny thing is if an actual female tried to get on a flight dressed light that she would likely be denied but this sick fuck gets to prance around and will likely get a tour of the cockpit.

  6. Yep. There should be (trusted) men to quietly guard the women’s restrooms, and whenever one of these sick fucks attempt to go in, they gets their clock cleaned and then dragged away to a dumpster.

  7. “In the real world someone would punch his lights out”

    Correct, and unfortunately it’s going to be the father of some 9 year old girl when this mutant follows her into the bathroom. I think the current administration is trying to prepare us for are women being raped by muzzies.

  8. Uhhh … does anyone … ANYONE … believe that America is a better place for embracing a culture of insanity and perversion?


    Show of hands … c’mon … raise your hand …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. What really pisses me off is the pansies on the right who are saying “we can’t make a big deal out of this. Let’s just go along with it. Let’s not die on this hill”. REALLY?? Your wife/daughter/granddaughter’s safety isn’t enough to get you fired up? If that’s the case then go play in the sandbox and leave the fighting to the real men.

  10. Tired Mom. I would refuse to be seated next to that freak on a plane. I would rant and rave and make a big deal out of it, even if it meant arrest. Which I probably would be. But I would not sit next to it.

  11. Why does this pervert get the run of any bathroom he wants to go in?

    For the same reason I’m not allowed to beat him to a thin, bloody pulp if he comes swishing into the ladies’ room.

    Because fuck straights and their heteronormative “privilege.”

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