Why does Trudeau call out Saudi Arabia for human rights abuses but not Iran and Cuba? – IOTW Report

Why does Trudeau call out Saudi Arabia for human rights abuses but not Iran and Cuba?

*salty language warning*

9 Comments on Why does Trudeau call out Saudi Arabia for human rights abuses but not Iran and Cuba?

  1. OK, I’ll try a serious reply. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Republic of Cuba are all three strong-arm regimes.

    Justin from Canada has no objection to authoritarianism per se, adores left-collectivism, and so cuba, a left-collectivist authoritarian setup, is just fine for him.

    KSA, on the other hand, is a right-collectivist authoritarian regime. All Justin from Canada needs to see is that initial “right” and his hackle (he only has one and it is very small) goes up.

    Iran is the odd-ball here. It isn’t authoritarian, it is totalitarian. The ayatollahs don’t want mere obedience, they want belief. (The Saudi Arabs only require obedience.) Justin from Canada doesn’t quite know what to make of this because he’s tried to be a believer but he isn’t anywhere near deep enough for it to really sink in. So, he just goes along with his other leftie globalist pals, and they seem to be in favor of the Iranian tyrants. He doesn’t understand why (neither do I), but he doesn’t want to cause any more waves.


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