Why Doesn’t Anyone Ask Joe Biden Why He’s Dodging Obamacare Taxes? – IOTW Report

Why Doesn’t Anyone Ask Joe Biden Why He’s Dodging Obamacare Taxes?


Chris Wallace ignored Donald Trump’s answer about paying “millions” in taxes during Tuesday night’s debate, repeatedly demanding that the president answer a question he’d already answered. Meanwhile, the person who really should answer for his tax returns is Joe Biden.

A few hours before the first presidential debate of the 2020 general election campaign, and amid a full-blown media kerfuffle over Trump’s taxes, the Democratic nominee released his 2019 tax returns. The timing of the release seemed far from coincidental: ahead of the debate, so Biden could say he made his returns public, but without giving reporters and moderator Chris Wallace time to absorb the returns prior to the debate. It seems Biden was hoping the details of his returns would become old news immediately after Tuesday evening.

Reporters should dig into Biden’s tax returns, however, in the same way they have shown a seemingly unquenchable curiosity regarding Trump’s, for one reason: Biden claims to support Obamacare — but has consistently avoided paying Obamacare taxes.

You read that right. I noted last year that Biden’s 2017 and 2018 returns showed a tax avoidance strategy that allowed him to circumvent over half a million dollars in Medicare and Obamacare taxes. According to their own returns, Biden and his wife Jill did the same thing in 2019.

The Strategy, Explained

Since the vice president left government service in early 2017, the Bidens funneled their income from book royalties and speaking fees through two corporations: CelticCapri Corporation and Giacoppa Corporation. They paid themselves modest salaries through the corporations, on which they paid full Social Security and Medicare taxes. MORE

6 Comments on Why Doesn’t Anyone Ask Joe Biden Why He’s Dodging Obamacare Taxes?

  1. Special dispensation. It’s inculcated in the public schools. Some(the favored) are absolved from the rules that the rest of us follow. Say it with me now….All pigs are equal, it’s just that some pigs get the sheets.

  2. I would’ve liked to see Someone do a follow up interview with Joe , early

    Wednesday Morning….I imagine He would have been Comatose after the Drugs

    wore off.. I haven’t checked to see whether or not His handlers called a Lid

    for the following Days…

  3. The bombshells keep blowing back on Biden. The “sucker and losers” soldier smear ends up with Biden on video calling soldiers “stupid bastards”. The illegally-leaked “Trump paid no taxes” smear ends up showing Biden dodging taxes… on his blessed Obamacare!

    I think Joe’s henchmen need to look at all the angles and read the directions before they launch their next Acme Corp. October Surprise.

  4. “I would’ve liked to see Someone do a follow up interview with Joe , early Wednesday Morning…”

    Bobcat, that train left the station. Literally. But yes, he was in the sleeper car.


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