Why doesn’t Biden want a big to-do if he’s inaugurated? – IOTW Report

Why doesn’t Biden want a big to-do if he’s inaugurated?


There could be any number of reasons why the Biden apparatchiks aren’t encouraging multitudes to descend upon Washington, D.C. for a presumed inauguration celebration, but the obvious one is that the turnout would be embarrassing.

Reason One – The actual number of supporters is humiliatingly small despite all the hype from the campaign and media mafiosos. For proof, all one need do is rerun the vast crowds that never showed up at any of the Biden rallies. Nor can the lack of attendance be blamed on fear of the Chinese virus. That never seemed to discourage the thousands of rioters combing the streets of Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, D.C., New York or Kenosha shouting, looting, shooting and stabbing innocent victims and, well, themselves.

Reason Two – The serious lack of fashion sense at any inaugural ball would be enough to cause Joe and “Dr.” Biden to prefer hiding in a green room somewhere rather than gladhanding a collection of comrades decked out in ripped jeans, Che Guevara tees, Chinese slave-made Nikes or the haute couture of Antifa Black. The only designer rags (accessorized by matching facemasks, no doubt) would be donned by congressional reps who, alone of the Biden groupies, could afford to dress-up since the majority of his following still dwell with Mom and Dad or are on the government dole.


21 Comments on Why doesn’t Biden want a big to-do if he’s inaugurated?

  1. They know they cheated their way in, and they’re scared to death that the MAGA horde would dominate the proceedings and make the Chinauguration the fladhpoint of rebellion.

  2. Because the only people that would show up are Trump supporters just like at all Joe’s events running up to the election and we aren’t shy about letting him know what we think about him, his family and this fraudulent election.

  3. BFH or MJA, IF Biden get elected one of you need to make a drawing of 8 or 9 cars parked haphazardly on the Capitol steps with horns honking. Kids crawling out the trunk of one of them, couple of them having a flat tire. Old Hillary bumper stickers.

  4. Reason 4. Trump supporters overwhelmingly attend and boo him off the dais. The media would cover it live and Trumpsters would have to play it cool. No red hats. No signs. No visible T-shirt’s until Biden speaks. Then unleash HOLY HELL.

  5. Reason 4. Trump supporters overwhelmingly attend and boo him off the dais. The media would cover it live and Trumpsters would have to play it cool. No red hats. No signs. No visible T-shirt’s until Biden speaks. Then unleash HOLY HELL.

  6. Biden has nothing to do with people not showing up for Biden. Just like he doesn’t have anything to do with his inauguration speech, politics, election, etc. Nothing. He’s a shell. And a shill. He doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about, no one can understand him, he makes no sense, and couldn’t lead his way out of a wet paper bag. His wife needs to lead him on and off the stage FFS and he doesn’t even know if it’s his sister or wife.

  7. Reason 45. Because the real President 45 might show up and breathe down Biden’s neck, quietly mumbling,
    ‘if you thought Corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad boys, you done fucked with a real bad boy this time, douchenozzle.’


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