Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates – IOTW Report

Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates

AwakenWithJP. <— watch.

15 Comments on Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates

  1. The Asians at the park where I run all wear masks alone outside.
    One even wears it while running, though it’s on his chin. Duh!

    The Asians will never return to unmasking.
    Funny because they eat raw fish and ANYTHING that lives in the ocean without worry.
    The good thing about Asians is that none of them have the balls to tell ME to mask up…

  2. I suspect that today’s leftists have a type of inferiority complex where they desire revenge against those they either hate or envy. They would embrace any opportunity to inflict harm with little external/subliminal motivation required.
    Morals and ethics are just something they manipulate when it benefits the narrative that supports the agenda.

  3. “A large segment of our population needs to be told what to do and when to do it. They’re called Democrats. Freedom scares them.”

    Not just democrats Brad. After paying attention to groups and individuals, specifically the employment of anything resembling critical thinking, my estimate is about seventy percent of people need and desire to be told what to do.

    I suspected there were a lot for decades before, but this recent unpleasantness has removed any doubt.

    Remember this, the people that narked on Anne Frank were not only obeying the law, they allowed that law to be passed. They gave up their humanity to conform.

  4. Your definition of Good might be faulty.
    Obedient is not the definition of good. Good people know the difference between right and wrong. Good people know that rules and laws that are unjust are not to be obeyed. The GOOD American people are Not complying.

  5. What surprises me are the people who would never let someone tell them to do something they felt was wrong, who have been coerced into the jab for employment reasons. Only one of my friends actually retired instead of getting the jab. The others that I know of just went along with it. I don’t think they bother with alternative news sites that actually point out inconsistency of the left.

    I do have one friend that took it but asked me what I thought. I sent her some links to look into.

    I don’t mind if someone decides to get the jab; that’s their freedom to choose. I just wish that there was less censorship of opposing ideas on TV and the internet.

  6. Resist and be labeled a troublemaker; or a racist or a fascist or any of the other labels the left likes to throw around. Be canceled, lose your job, your retirement. It’s not always easy to stand up to that sort of pressure.

  7. “The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
    But swollen with wind and the rank mist they draw,
    Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread …”
    (Milton – John not Berle)

    In other words: You can’t thrive on bullshit – and we (the sheep) are being fed bullshit, all the time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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