Why Handwritten FBI And DOJ Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge – IOTW Report

Why Handwritten FBI And DOJ Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge


Recently released handwritten notes from a briefing of the acting attorney general on the status of Crossfire Hurricane reveal the FBI either lied about the source of intel or the British intelligence community fed information to the U.S. agents investigating Donald Trump and his associates.

As part of the pre-trial discovery in the government’s prosecution of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, the special counsel provided defense lawyers notes taken on March 6, 2017, during a high-level briefing of acting Attorney General Dana Boente about the then-ongoing investigation into supposed Russia collusion.

Boente, who held oversight of the DOJ and FBI related to the Crossfire Hurricane investigation because of then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s recusal, received an update during the meeting from the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, then-assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Bill Priestap, and Counterintelligence Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok. DOJ officials Tashina Gauhar, Mary McCord, and Scott Schools took notes during the briefing, and those notes became public during the Sussmann trial that ended in an acquittal last week. more

5 Comments on Why Handwritten FBI And DOJ Notes The Special Counsel Just Released Are Huge

  1. If our system were not so corrupted, I would say it looks like they shit in their own mess kit. As it is, it is no longer open to question what the three letter agencies represent. The only thing open to speculation is: Will anyone face any consequences?

  2. You know what I love about the FBI? They’re famous for getting their asses shot off. However they have enough balls to roust Roger Stone and his naked wife out of bed while CNN films the entire event. Fucking pussies. Happiness is being the 5th man in on a four man FBI stack. Google it.

  3. These stories are interesting to read but you know who’s not paying one iota of attention to them? Klaus, his little fag buddy Yuval and the WEF consortium. Their plans for the planet and those that survive the great reset just keep steamrolling along.

  4. It doesn’t matter. The DC Federal Courts will not ever convict a guilty as hell democrat. Simultaneously, it will railroad anyone the democrat cabal demands it to railroad.

    Our federal government is the world’s first technocracy driven third world shithole.


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