Why I Am No Longer a Social Worker – IOTW Report

Why I Am No Longer a Social Worker

American Thinker:

It started one ordinary day, in one otherwise ordinary session: A beautiful young woman I had known for a few years wanted to cut off her breasts. (Details changed to protect identity.)

“What happened?” In my mind, the first concern was cancer.

“Nothing. I just hate them. I’d really like to be rid of them. I was just wondering what you thought.”

So I told her. She had a long history of abuse, abandonment, and self-mutilation. Given that, I suggested, didn’t it seem like another aspect of self-hatred and rage? I urged her to take time to really consider all the ramifications — its effect on her physiology, on her partner, on her children.

She bristled and said I was being unsupportive. I explained I couldn’t be supportive of something that was an extension of existing pathology.

She found another, more supportive therapist, and is now living with the results of her surgery. 

That was the beginning of the end for me.

For weeks afterward I found myself fighting off fears of being reported to the licensing board for not agreeing with her and realized, finally, that the whole profession had become a political platform. Therapy had become a form of indoctrination and if you weren’t goose-stepping with whatever was trending, you were truly risking everything. more

10 Comments on Why I Am No Longer a Social Worker

  1. In Atlas Shrugged there is reference to a social worker who started to hate and resent the people she was supposed to be helping because they were not grateful enough to her and had come to expect their entitlements. The social worker in the story became regretful of what she could have been.

    This article reminded me of that part of the book. Not in the sense of the social worker, but in the sense of the anger the “falldown” displayed to the writer who eventually woke up.

  2. A family friend once was a social worker, and changed to a mortician, prepping bodies for funeral home display.

    She said that, even including the time she over-balanced a big guy who fell on her, trapping her so co-workers had to pull him off and help her tend her broken bones, that on balance the dead people were more cooperative, more rewarding, and more grateful than her social work clients were, too…

  3. In 1972, the worldwide community of head shrinkers suddenly came to the conclusion and agreement that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness, but merely a life choice/preordained and natural condition. It’s then that I realized the whole so called profession had become a farce.

  4. The Department of Education is not about education anymore, it’s about social work, social justice, and social outcomes.

    Don’t think you are ever going to be Miss Beadle from Little House on the Prairie, you are just a vessel to transfer to the students whatever the political system tells you to pour in, if you don’t, they will rain down shit upon you, and of course, the dems pack the school board with their buddies, and will rip up your contract, thus ending your career.

    Next teaching job: “Have you ever been dismissed from a teaching job, or left voluntarily?” If yes, forget employment ever again.

  5. It is probably no coincidence that the shrinks deciding in 1972 that homosexuality was no longer a mental illness and Roe v Wade being decided a year later in early 1973 making abortion on demand suddenly the law of the land. Both decisions destroyed the foundations of our society and have brought us to where we are now in this country. That and Engels v Vitale decided 10 years earlier in 1962 which took prayer out of public schools because of the so called separation of church and state.

  6. The entire “Mental health” support system has degenerated into a cesspool of enabling “angels of light” who know no boundaries for “normal,” behavior anymore.

    The individual is the center and anything that speaks to generalities is the exception. No gender, no rigid sexual morality, and self-injury for personal growth is a key to mental and moral and SOCIAL awareness.

    It’s almost as if someone somewhere said to someone:

    4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (GENESIS 3: 4-5)

    This is all an extension of that and that we continue to live in Satan’s world until Jesus comes to redeem and re-claim His Father’s World.

  7. I only have personal experience, but I have known 3 social workers and they are all FUBARed. Their children are horrible and become major problems in high school and by the time the children are in their early 20’s, they have dropped out of school, the girls are pregnant and on “mother’s allowance”(Canada) and the one son still lives at home with his mother at the age of 31 and sponges off of her.
    So No Thank you – social work is designed to provide well-paying jobs to leeches.


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