Why I Didn’t Rat On My Neighbor For Cutting Hair – IOTW Report

Why I Didn’t Rat On My Neighbor For Cutting Hair


 David Marcus

When the weather permits I like to work in my little backyard here in Brooklyn. It’s a 20’ by 25’ postage stamp of cement and dirt surrounded by the small plots of my neighbors. Over the past couple of weeks as New York City has endured its lockdown, I have noticed one neighbor, day in and day out, cutting people’s hair a few yards down. At first I thought maybe it’s just family haircuts, but unless this guy has old testament levels of offspring, it became clear he had set up shop. I even saw the cash exchanged once or twice.

According to my mayor, one Bill de Blasio, you remember him, big oafy guy who wasted everyone’s time running for president? Yeah, him. So he says that what I should have done when I saw this illegal barber operation going on was to jump on the phone to 311 and alert the authorities so that they could send the officers from the New York Police Department to break up the crime ring.

That is not what I did. I did something that in Brooklyn we like to call “minding your own freakin’ business.” The guy wears a mask and gloves, as do his customers. And while strict social distancing is not in place, nothing is happening that is half as potentially harmful as going to a bodega (that’s what we call delis.) It seemed to me that this cat was running a pretty conscientious little situation and his customers seem fine with whatever danger they may be placing themselves in. read more

18 Comments on Why I Didn’t Rat On My Neighbor For Cutting Hair

  1. This just proves:
    1. Government doesn’t use good discretion.
    2. People don’t use good discretion (except this one guy)
    3. The police don’t use good discretion.

    I remember in my life liberals being “leave me alone and let me do what I want to do”-types, and then the liberals got in power, and the Conservatives adopted that mantra, now neither of them can leave anyone alone.

  2. great, except for the fact that Big Brother knows exactly where Mr. Marcus lives, thanks to his post … & thanks to his post, it’s a mere couple of clicks to find his neighbor

    thank you Comrade Marcus, for exposing Thought Criminal #85673903274 … report to the nearest depot & bring your shovel … btw, you too, Comrade Marcus

  3. Also, FYI

    Demonrat Kravitzes don’t understand that records are kept by the stasi about Them too
    Stasi Narc Lines are recorded, for Quality Assurance and being Public Records of course
    The callers will end up with haircuts, too, before it is over
    If history is any lesson

  4. Is ‘t it amazing how we all became criminals overnight? No shoes, no shirt, no mask, no test, no tattooo, no microchip, no service, At least Mr. Marcus can smoke his cigarette in peace. For now.

  5. How did his customers wear their mask and get their hair cut? You know the bands holding them on is over your hair. Guess the barber is very talented!

    Yes I was the child always asking mom ‘why, why’

  6. One of my all-time favorite films is “My Man Godfrey” in which William Powell plays a NYC dump bum who is hired by a 5th Avenue family (Carole Lombard, Eugene Pallette, Patrick Gail) as butler.

    In the opening scenes of the film, Godfrey converses with one of his fellow dump friends, outside his shack as night descends on the trash heap, about that day’s events (it goes something like this):

    Godfrey: How’s it going, Mike?
    Mike: Well, I had a nice little racket going before the cops came along and busted it up.
    Godfrey: Oh?
    Mike: Yeah. You know, if the cops would just mind their own business, people wouldn’t need to be on that relief and all that other stuff.

    Later in the film, Godfrey explains to his wealthy Boston friend that the only difference between the men living at the dump (“derelicts”) and his friend is “the want (and dignity) of a job.”

    Here’s the film on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcz8z7ensRM

  7. “My Man Godfrey” is a great movie, with lessons about the gossiping idle rich, the dignity of the working man, etc. Powell almost always plays a character not too far removed from his Nick Charles (Thin Man) persona, but his wit and timing are impeccable.

  8. Secret Police can’t function without citizens pimping each other out.
    FBI, CIA, NSA, Gestapo, KGB, NKVD, Cheka, SAVAK, OVRA, FSB – all – ALL function off of citizens pimping out other citizens for favors, pay, or just plain meanness.
    Soros (reputedly) pimped out other Jews to the secret police of both the Nazi and Communist governments of Hungary. Paid quite handsomely, apparently.

    DeBlasio needs the citizens to squeal on each other in order to give the Police the aura of omnipotence – and as a tool for terror. One never knows if the one in the chair is an informer or in need of a haircut.

    The point is to atomize society – hasn’t anyone perceived that, yet?

    Collapse the economy.
    House arrest – except the “essential.”
    Make everyone dependent on hand-outs.
    Make everyone suspicious of everyone else.
    Let loose the bully-boys, rapists, murderers, &c.
    Forbid resistance.
    Dis-organize what resistance there is (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, &c.).
    Vote fraud and suppression.

    WTF? The Wuhan Flu is no deadlier than the Hong Kong Flu, the Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, or any other flu, but we’re cowering in our basements!

    This shit is a continuum from (at least) the 90s when Clinton was selling American ICBMissile Telemetry to the Chinese. Our spook services have been corrupt since (at least) that time! Why is nobody paying attention?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I am in need of a haircut and having my beard trimmed as I am getting pretty shaggy. But our dictator governor Jay Inslee won’t allow barbers to open for a while yet. Today’s American Thinker cartoon has all the petty tyrant dictator governors listed with the d standing for dictator instead of democrap.

  10. Lazlo participated in such an illegal exchange last week
    I texted my arborist and asked if she would schedule my brushy noggin for a trim when she was up and running again.
    She texted back that her Landlord suggested she ‘figure it out before the end of the month’
    So I and her other regulars sneak around the back way and we all tip splendidly
    How satisfying to see the ears again, and to be a reasonably well groomed outlaw.
    Gonna start my own robber gang soon.
    This outlaw life suits me

  11. …during the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Zealots tortured the fat on the assumption they were hiding food when it was all supposed to be given to THEM to “distribute”.

    …so how long before they start taking a well-groomed look as prima facie evidence of violating their orders, and…

  12. There is an old WWII movie called The Seventh Cross. In it, Hume Cronyn is taken in for questioning by the Gestapo. Afterwords he is asked if he was scared. He said something to the effect of “They don’t know anything if you don’t tell them.”


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