Why I Was WRONG About Guns! – IOTW Report

Why I Was WRONG About Guns!

JP Sears explains HERE

Why I was WRONG about guns! In this video I share why are used to be anti-gun and why I changed my mind to now be pro gun, pro 2A. You can Watch my old anti-gun video in full here: https://youtu.be/MWA0rukqrYQ

11 Comments on Why I Was WRONG About Guns!

  1. If I had watched his pathetic caricature of a southern, gun owning redneck when he made that first video (including the fake ass southern accent which I truly despise), I would have never watched anything else he put out. But I too am glad that he seems to have matured enough to pull his head out of his ass at this point.

  2. Hmmm…good I guess. I’m no genius but I paid close attention to the world I live in from an early age. Got a good education in civics and American History as well lots of history in general, especially ancient Greece & Rome. Formed some pretty solid judgments about God given rights that haven’t changed for almost 50 years. Succinctly, you do you and I’ll do me. Funny how many people have trouble with that.

    Looking back I can say I’m right about most everything(that is if you want a society that affords opportunity as opposed to equity)and recognized both the consequences of lunatic REgressive policies as well as the slowly(now not so slowly) unfolding nightmare.

    One thing I’m most definitely dead on point about is how utterly unConstitional the NFA of 1934 is and how this was the beginning of the left’s march to disarm us. 2A says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. There is no equivocation in that. NONE. As was the way things were until 1934 I should be able to walk into any gun store or hardware store & buy any weapon including fully automatic machine guns and walk out of there with no more paper work than a receipt.

    No need to highlight so many other ways we’ve gone off the Constitutional rails because the nightmare that we’re now living is more than enough testament to that. Except to say welcome to the party pal.

    Ain’t digging the t-shirt either.

    Updated January, 2022
    In the United States since 1930:
    ! The population has significantly more than DOUBLED,
    ! The number of privately owned firearms has more than SEXTUPLED,
    ! And the annual number of accidental firearms deaths has DECREASED 83%.
    The fatal firearm accident rate has DECREASED 95% since the all-time high recorded in 1904.
    During the last 25 years, the fatal firearm accident rate has experienced the greatest decline among principal types and
    classes of accidental deaths.
    Comparing firearm accident rates (fatalities per 100,000) to other accident rates:
    1. Poisoning 26.5 1. Poisoning 32.4
    2. Motor vehicle accidents 12.4 2. Motor vehicle accidents 15.8
    3. Falls 12.8 3. Falls 17.2
    4. Suffocation & Choking 2.1 4. Suffocation & Choking 2.0
    5. Drowning 1.3 5. Drowning 2.2
    6. Fires & Burns 0.9 6. Medical “Misadventures” 1.2
    7. Medical “Misadventures” 1.5 7. Bicycles & Tricycles 0.9
    8. Environmental factors 0.6 8. Fires & Burns 0.5
    9. Bicycles & Tricycles 0.4 9. Environmental factors 0.3
    10. FIREARMS 0.16 10. FIREARMS 0.07
    Comparing the number of fatal firearm accidents to other accidents:
    Nationwide: And in Florida:
    163 times more die from poisoning 470 times more die from poisoning
    76 times more die in motor vehicle accidents 229 times more die in motor vehicle accidents
    79 times more die from falls 249 times more die from falls
    13 times more die from choking & suffocation 29 times more die from choking & suffocation
    8 times more die from drowning 32 times more die from drowning
    6 times more die from fires & burns 25 times more die from medical “misadventures”
    9 times more die from medical “misadventures” 13 times more die from bicycles & tricycles
    4 times more die from environmental factors 8 times more die from fires and burns
    2 times more die from bicycles & tricycles 4 times more die from environmental factors
    Nationwide, the annual number of fatal firearm accidents among CHILDREN has decreased 83% since 1975.
    In Florida, the fatal firearm accident rate among CHILDREN is down 90% from the all-time high in 1982.
    Firearm accidents have decreased dramatically for many years and today account for only a tiny percentage of
    accidents in Florida (0.1%) and nationwide (0.3%).
    Data sources:
    [1] U.S. Census Bureau population estimates
    [2] Point Blank: Guns and Violence and America (Kleck) and BATFE “Firearms Commerce in the United States Annual Statistical Update 2016”
    [3] National Safety Council; 2020 data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2020 on CDC WONDER Online Database.
    [4] 1904 data from Federal Security Agency, “Vital Statistics Rates in the United States 1900-1940”; 2020 data from CDC WONDER database.
    [5] CDC, National Center Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death, CDC WONDER Online Database.
    [6] National data from CDC, National Center Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death, CDC WONDER Online Database. Florida data from CDC Underlying Cause of Death on CDC WONDER
    database and FL Department of Public Health FL Health Charts Death Rate Query System database.
    [7] Ibid.
    [8] CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. Compressed Mortality File 1968-1978 and Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2020, both on CDC WONDER database.
    [9] FL Department of Public Health FL Health Charts Death Rate Query System.
    [10] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center Health Statistics, Underlying Cause of Death 1999-2020 on CDC WONDER Online Database and Florida data from CDC and FL
    Department of Public Health FL Health Charts Community Health Assessment Resource Tool Set.
    Fact sheet compiled by the National Rifle Association (NRA) & Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF)
    ! P.O. Box 1387 ! Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9518 !


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