Why I’m Voting for Trump, Even Though I Don’t Want To – Robert A. Hall – IOTW Report

Why I’m Voting for Trump, Even Though I Don’t Want To – Robert A. Hall

American Thinker: I don’t want to vote for Donald Trump.  I wrote in another candidate in 2016.  But here’s what I do want to vote for.

I want to vote for the American flag.  Comrades of mine, black and white, died for that flag.  I stopped watching the NFL four years ago, and now I’ve stopped watching all pro sports because of the disrespect.  The Democrats do not condemn flag-burners.

I want to vote to defend the police.  Yes, there are bad cops.  But there are bad people in every category or profession.  Even bad Marines.  Without the cops, whom do you call if you are in an accident, someone tries to break into your house, or your neighbor shoots his wife?  Violent and property crime will go up in proportion to the lack of police or to police being restrained by politicians.  Kamala Harris said in 2009 that she wanted more police on the streets — what changed?  Surveys, even in black neighborhoods, show that people want more cops on the street.

I want to vote to make black lives matter.  Defunding the police would take the lives of thousands more black folks every year — mostly killed by black thugs.  More black folks have been killed this year by BLM riots than by rogue cops.  Blacks are 13% of the population, but 47% of the murder victims and 52% of the killers.  The leading cause of death in young black males is murder by other young black males.  Blacks are 40% of Planned Parenthood abortions.  Let’s defund Planned Parenthood to stop black genocide.

I want to vote to make black lives better.  Black employment is at historic highs, much higher than under the Obama-Biden administration.  Black folks should be able to choose high-quality schools for their kids just as the rich Democrats do.  I want to vote for school choice and charter schools.  And I want to stop the riots, which are destroying both black and white jobs. more

18 Comments on Why I’m Voting for Trump, Even Though I Don’t Want To – Robert A. Hall

  1. Wonder what the percentage of Trump voters last time were actually anti-Hillary voters and what percentage of Trump voters will actually be anti Biden voters?

    Be interesting to know, but unlikely something that can be.

    In any event I’m finding this election season to be the most interesting of my lifetime and predict that no matter which side wins the losing side will be convinced it’s because the winner cheated.

    Of course, one side would probably be more emphatic about it than the other side would be, you can figure out for yourself which is which.

  2. Any legit vote is welcomed. I personally know a flat earther who is all in for Trump. I listen to his ‘NASA lies’ with a polite smile because now is not the time to get into that. We will get into that after the 1st Tuesday in November.

    As long as they are not a racist I’ll treat them with respect and make them feel comfortable with their vote. And by that I mean actual racists- the David Dukes to the Al Sharptons who are, ironically, voting for Biden. One would think the MSM would make some serious hay out of that but that goes contrary to the narrative but I digress.

  3. I’m so sick and tired of these never Trumpers and their contrived moral conundrum they claim to suffer from. Virtue signal someplace else. This,” Gee, I’m such a superior moral human being that to even think about casting a vote for someone not of my stature or breeding is a betrayal of all that I hold dear”, it’s just nauseating.

    If Trump’s actions, policies, and deeds have not won you over by now then you’re just not paying attention.

  4. In 2016 Trump was not even my 4th choice. But it came down to a choice between ‘the EVIL I know’ and ‘the EVIL I don’t know’ year.
    This year it’s a choice between Trump or China. I will vote for Trump. He has exceeded my(admittedly low) expectations beyond my wildest imaginings. If there was an American party I would join.

  5. I just thought of something.
    I looked his bio up. He’s quite conservative.
    Maybe he wrote this article directed at his constituents in MA. They’re mostly libtards or propagandized moderates. It could be his way of trying to open their eyes.

  6. Anonymous; I had my reservations about DJT and my 1st vote for him was more about being against the Huckster; the guy has definitely grown on me as I’ve seen all the evidence that we’ve needed a savvy business guy all this time and never had one.
    Besides, he reduces leftists to inarticulate, foaming-at-the-mouth lumps, and that pleases the shit out of yours truly.

  7. WELP! I was a Trumpster from the gitgo. Who could “buy” the man? I have watched him for some years now and he has always been a conservative. I remember some of those “firing lines” with WFB Jr. He was always railing against marxism and socialism. Who knows? He might have a chink in his armor…… but I am pretty sure that chink ain’t a chink!

    OH! and Robert A Hall is a cunt…..

  8. A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump. Better late than never, etc.
    Trump wasn’t my first pick (top 3) but only because I didn’t know if he was serious or not. Maybe running for shits and giggles. Glad he did!


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