Why is Joe Biden really skipping Charles III’s coronation? – IOTW Report

Why is Joe Biden really skipping Charles III’s coronation?

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

Joe Biden will almost certainly not attend the coronation of King Charles III. The official reason is that he is making a trip to Ireland that simply can’t be canceled. The media have focused on two reasons he won’t be there: (1) Eisenhower didn’t attend so there’s no tradition for presidents to attend, and (2) Biden hates the British. I think there are two more likely reasons: (1) Charles III’s coronation is an event without cachet, and (2) it’s impossible for Biden to withstand the rigors of the long coronation ceremony and any pre- and post-ceremony events. Indeed, my money is on the last reason being the real reason. MORE

25 Comments on Why is Joe Biden really skipping Charles III’s coronation?

  1. They are both useless, self-aggrandizing perverted lysing assholes so they figure they will cancel each other out if they are in the same room at the same time.

  2. …besides, Jill won’t let him go, she’s jealous that SHE doesn’t get a crown and can’t get sportscasters to call her QUEEN Doctor Jill at every possible bootlicking opportunity, so conducting Shitpants across the pond will just trigger her jealousy bone that runs the entire lenght of her tastelessly attired body…

  3. Two reasons, One, he has no regard for western civilization particularly as represented by the British, as western civilization allowed a terminally corrupt pedophile and mid-wit hack such as himself achieve significant power and wealth within the political system. Two, he hasn’t the stamina. His drugs wear off in about two hours, and they provoke bladder and bowel continence issues while allowing him to appear lucid though disorganized and mumblingly forgetful.

  4. Given how his trip to the Vatican went, the royals have decided that they would rather not have to clean shit stains off of their furniture once he leaves.

  5. He is standing in solidarity with the Ginger Prince and his Black Princess because they all went to school together back in the day. C’mon man, it was when Biden was in the Puerto Rican/Polish/Black neighborhood, keeping it safe from that bad dude Corn Pop.

  6. They should ask Trump to go. He has all the etiquette of WWE wrestler, throws twice the shade of a Texas redneck & will give all the wrong answers for the right reasons.

  7. I remember news that he passed a stinky the last time he was sharing space with Camilla.
    That’s probably the reason.
    Wasn’t there a story just a short time ago that he wasn’t invited?

  8. He doesn’t want to sit through the listing of the other one hundred and ten King Charles before they get to King Charles the one hundred and eleventh.

  9. Brandon is what I call barstool Irish, he trots it out when he thinks it will get him something or when he wants a little street cred. This isn’t about his hateful grandmother (although he is a good little hater, as are all Lefties), since he’s really English apparently.

    There’s just no way he can bilk a few billion out of Blighty.


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