Why is Maria Butina in prison? – IOTW Report

Why is Maria Butina in prison?

American Thinker: If you believe the mass disinformation media, Maria Butina is just another Russian spy.  She was arrested the day before Trump and Putin met based on the federal statute of being an “unregistered foreign agent.”  It seems that the arrest of Butina is the first time anybody has been arrested on this statute in the history of the United States.  Although the prison term for the lack of registration of a foreign agent exists (five years), so far, the only punishments have been small fines.

There is every reason to believe that Butina is in prison because a lawyer by the name of Veselnitskaya is at large.

These two Russians are not connected by their Russian origin or their suspicious (and suspiciously successful) activities in America.  They are connected because of the inexplicable desire of the Obama administration to see both of them on American soil.

When Veselnitskaya’s visa expired in early 2016, someone high-ranking from the Obama administration immediately took care of her, giving her a new American visa.  In Washington, where no one knows how to keep secrets, it is rumored that this person was the U.S. attorney general in the Obama administration, Loretta Lynch.

Soon after, Veselnitskaya aggressively began her affairs.  She attended hearings in the Senate and sat on the front row immediately behind the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul.  Normally, this seat would be reserved for someone who could understand English.  On the eve of her meeting with the Trump team, and right after the meeting, she had dinner with Glenn Simpson – one of the founders of opposition research company Fusion GPS.  This firm, as we now know, acted as an intermediary between the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Russian intelligence services for fabricating the infamous “Russian dossier” on Trump.

Veselnitskaya was invited to dinners and parties with numerous Washington politicians and lobbyists.  Rhetorical question to all readers: “Have you or any of your friends managed not just to get to congressional hearings, but also to sit in the front row, among the most senior guests? How many of you have ever received invitations to dinners and exclusive meetings with the Washington political establishment?”.  more

2 Comments on Why is Maria Butina in prison?

  1. “Rhetorical question to all readers: “Have you or any of your friends managed not just to get to congressional hearings, but also to sit in the front row, among the most senior guests? How many of you have ever received invitations to dinners and exclusive meetings with the Washington political establishment?”.

    Happens to me all the time. Oh I’m sorry I thought you meant “excluded” instead of “included”.

  2. Right
    I was a vocal supporter of the Gov who in 76 said” When President I will abolish the IRS code and fire all emees! Hopefully some IRS agents will get jobs helping America instead of hurting I! When asked how will I pay for Govt with no IRS agents/ ZERO BASED BUDGETING. I will cut the government in half by ’80!” (jimmy promised the govt would be 50% smaller in 80 than ’76!
    I got 2 invites to parties honoring PResient Carter.

    In ’80 I was 1 of 25,000,000 conservatives who’d voted Carter in 76 voting Ronny in ’80!

    Carter ran the most conservative campaign since Lincoln. which is why he won in 76 and was crushed (as we all knew wed bee “Compassionate conservative” lied to!) in’80.

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