Who Is ‘Pedo Peter’? – IOTW Report

Who Is ‘Pedo Peter’?


Over the weekend, anonymous 4chan users claimed to have cracked the password of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account and leaked data from his iPhone and iPad to the site. Since then, little nuggets have been posted on social media that, at the very least, appear to prove the legitimacy of the data. So who is “Pedo Peter?”

13 Comments on Who Is ‘Pedo Peter’?

  1. If course it’s Joe. Why else would he have “Mom and Pedo Joe” on his mailing list. Sheesh. What more do we need. I’m sure there will be more damning evidence to come, all of which will be ignored by the MSM

  2. cheryl
    JULY 11, 2022 AT 5:17 PM
    ‘Captain Obvious should be here to tell us.”

    He’s out with Coof, so they sent me to tell you it’s his dad Joe instead.

  3. Humper calls his dad Pedo Peter because of his inappropriate relationship in the shower with his daughter. I’ve been thinking on this lately, and I’m convinced that Humper left his lap tops to be discovered on purpose. I bet he knew that the computer repair guy was a conservative (maybe Humper checked the voter records). Humper decided that the computer guy would see everything, make copies and expose Daddy Dearest Pedo Peter. I don’t think Humper cares much about himself as long as he gets his crack and prostitutes. People like Humper and his dad have no conscience, they’ve been on the take their whole lives.

    Ashley Biden left her diary in a place where it would be found exposing her father as an incest riddled pedophile. To this day I understand she’s still emotional about it.

    So, the two Biden children wanted their deepest troubled life to be shared with the public – one way or another. It worked. Humper isn’t too worried about himself, he wasn’t going to be the fall guy. We’ll see what November brings us.

  4. @Goldenfoxx — The repair guy wrote that it was a few minutes before closing time on a hard work day when Hunter Biden came in (the repair guy said he almost said “we’re closed” to him). He said Biden was very drunk and slurred his words and was cock-eyed.

    I prefer to imagine that God’s finger is precisely on Hunter Biden’s head. And that’s how Biden screwed up, took his laptop in and then completely forgot about it. It’s entirely possible he didn’t even remember dropping it off for repair.

    God gives them over to their reprobate minds. He shuts doors they cannot open and opens doors they cannot shut. And that’s just the way it is.

  5. @AbigailAdams: I like your theory too. The computer guy knew who Biden was….It all seems so “convenient.” The only person I feel bad for is the computer guy. I just hope that the next 4 years isn’t tied up with this crap. How far can we go down?

  6. And that’s just the thing, Goldenfoxx — If I remember it correctly, the repair guy didn’t recognize Biden. He only learned who he was when he took down his info. I’m pretty sure that’s how it went, because the fellow said he almost told him they were closing/closed, but decided to let him drop it off anyway.

    It’s kind of an interesting story, really, because the repair guy said he ran a few diagnostics while Biden was still there at the counter. It was later, when he had the laptop on the bench that he discovered the “odd” stuff on it.

  7. Golden Fox,

    Your theory would work except that the Hunter & his sister are both addict Piss tanks.
    Addict Piss Tanks just fuck up all the time. Hunter isn’t the type to secretly cry out for help. Look at the Conversations recently exposed where he was swearing at Jill for trying to get him into Rehab.

    He is Just a Brain Damaged FUCK UP who is lucky enough to have a passport & a social security number to launder his dads Ill gotten gains.

    It is sad that when the dementia hits the Turnip fully, he will never remember what a lousy President he is.

    14 months of a Politically Weakened America and the ENTIRE WORLD is in crisis. Good Job people who actually voted for Shit Head!
    Good Job.

    Canuckistan is NO DIFFERENT.



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