Why is she annoying EVERYONE? – IOTW Report

Why is she annoying EVERYONE?

21 Comments on Why is she annoying EVERYONE?

  1. It’s not a question of her being annoying. It’s a question of her drunk ass being prosecuted for Benghazi. I hope she keeps hanging around. Sooner or later.

  2. Lucy is holding the ball for us, once again.

    It’s way too early for us to fall for the forked tongued snake’s, “I’m not running”, ploy.

    She’ll step in ‘reluctantly’, because none of the current clowns who are setting the stage have a chance.

    Look for a Clinton/Obama or Clinton/ Harris ticket, or other combination sure to win demoncrats.

  3. If Hillary dies before being convicted in a criminal trial, she will be immortalized as THE greatest American ever. There will be months of national mourning and glowing eulogies from every MSM outlet. I pray that God will expose her before she meets Satan.

  4. Heaven won’t have her and Hell don’t want her – so we’re stuck with her skank ass.

    She’s punishing the Demonrats by not running. She can smell the fear in the Demonrats and is savvy enough to know that the Devil never declares himself – work through subterfuge and lies, bring Hell on Earth through the imbeciles and mendacity. And when the inevitable happens (Trump is re-elected) she’ll bray at how they’ve “abandoned their (Demonrat’s) core principles” by following the self-proclaimed nihilistic totalitarians, instead of hiding their nefarious schemes. She will emerge as their savior – their “voice of reason” – in a hurricane of cacophony.

    I think Bill called it “triangulation.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This will not even stop the MSM and the mentally ill delusional self anointed web ‘journalists’ from promoting, protecting and regarding her as being the best and most intelligent woman in the history of the world.
    Bill recognized a homely devious nerd that would f’him a couple of times and was mush smarter than he was.

  6. How this maggot is not in jail… That says it all.

    She won’t shut up till she’s dead. In fact, she’d die if she ever faced the reality of what a joke she is.

    Alcoholic denial isn’t something to be messed with. Sessions’ denial was worse: it wasn’t induced by booze, but corruption.

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