Why Is She Bothering Us Again? – IOTW Report

Why Is She Bothering Us Again?

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: We have certainly been getting a faceful of Ma Clinton in recent weeks. This has been a pattern of hers since being sent packing back to Chappaqua by DJT: she spends long periods out of the public eye, buried deep in her box of breakfast Franzia. Suddenly, like a bad combination of creepy stalker and unfortunate body odor, she’s everywhere and you can’t seem to make her go away. more

34 Comments on Why Is She Bothering Us Again?

  1. It seems like she finally got her medication dosages to a manageable level and can now be seen in public without embarrassing herself anymore.
    But don’t expect to see much of slick willy. The STDs have finally overwhelmed him.

  2. Best defense is a good offense. Hillary’s role in Russia gate can no longer be hidden by the MSM. There is potential for her dying in prison, broke and heavily in debt. Hillary’s trying to stay out in front of her fate.

  3. Hillary is a shameless, manipulative, anti-semetic, Alinsky-loving, sick, twisted, lying, denying, conniving, seditious, treacherous, subversive old Communist, who’s dishonesty is only exceeded by her unbridled greed and lust for money & power. She is a vulgar maggot, a canker, a sore that won’t go away. She is a spineless worm whose life has been a monument to stupidity, stench and revulsion! She is a grimy, squalid, nasty, profane weed, a fungus and the dregs of this earth who on a good day manages to be a half-wit! How do you class-up someone who left her moral compass, scruples, honesty and accountability on a filthy night stand beside her thesis on Saul Alinsky, a broken lava-lamp and an ashtray full of smoked roaches back in 1969?

  4. geoff – Who else but Hillary would be married to a draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, rapist, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the filthy bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper! That old lecherous degenerate will never wriggle out of a long legacy of absolute moral turpitude!

  5. The good thing if she runs is she will continue to push the crazy democratic leftists global agendas. And by 2024 I believe even trump haters will see the damage it’s done and yearn for bygone days of orange man stability and prosperity. Trump will look like a very good alternative.

  6. Jerry Manderin
    DECEMBER 18, 2021 AT 9:57 AM
    “Steve Bannon said on War Room yesterday that he is praying hard for a PRESIDENT Trump/Hillary rematch in 2024!”

    …and he’ll GET it, too, after Joe resigns, Kamel becomes president and picks Hil as VP, then immediately resigns so she doesn’t “commit suicide” and becomes a Supreme Court judge instead.

    So they will meet again, with her as sitting president and him as prisoner, because SC Chief Kamel will rule any speech against Hilz is treason.

    …which makes me think I know the outcome of that election too, almost as certainly as Dominion does..

  7. Jason
    DECEMBER 18, 2021 AT 10:44 AM
    “Money, she wants money.”

    Well, yes, but I honestly don’t think it’s as simple as that. She WANTS money, true, but only as means to an end, which is what she REALLY thirsts for…POWER.

    …Hillary has sold her soul to more demons than we can count to climb as high as she can to rule as much as she can. She’s stolen more money than JP Morgan, threatened more people than Fidel Castro, and murdered more people than Livia Augustus, and on SOME level she knows she will NOT escape accountability for it when the devil finally tires of her and lets her die. Like her father, the devil, she knows her time is short, but unlike him she knows she has sold her forever, so all she will EVER have is what she can claw to herself while she’s here. Also like the devil, she’s quite vindictive about all who stood in her way – including, especially, US – and she wants to do all she can to drag her millions of enemies to hell before she makes the trip herself, and Power is the only path to that. She doesn’t want to sulk in the shadows and use assasins any more, she wants to order mass executions and nuclear strikes openly, and for THAT she must FIRST establish a Reign of Terror.

    So yes, she wants money.
    But also, she wants us DEAD.

    …keep THAT jn mind as the rotting corpse of this megalomaniacal psychopath circles ever closer to the Resolute desk and the Football contained therein, the devil can and has been patient, but sooner or later in the circles of the world he WILL achieve his goals for the World as the back of the Bible says, and Hillary may just be his agent for that…

  8. Good to see all you kind people have such fond memories of the Hillary.
    Just remember she is no longer in politics anymore, just like your last one, who would have trouble getting elected to the PTA. Thats right, over 50% of America hates him just like your showing here.

  9. Hellary’s an evil, narcissistic harpie shrew who can’t stand being ignored.
    How dare we forget the most powerful woman in the world – sarc.
    She’s going to try to make sure her evil influence corrupts as many things as possible before God sends her to Hell.

  10. The dowdy dumpy reptile Clinton woman with a husband who’s a confirmed pedophile all (hideously) gussied up with no place to go and never will have a place in decent society. pity.

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