Why it was so devastating when George W. Bush said “Islam is peace” right after 9/11 – IOTW Report

Why it was so devastating when George W. Bush said “Islam is peace” right after 9/11

Jihad Watch: I wrote my forthcoming book The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS mostly chronologically, starting with Muhammad’s conquests in Arabia and moving forward. It’s a bloody history, and one indelible impression one gets from proceeding through the centuries of jihad warfare is of the persistence of the jihadis. They never give up, they never give in, and they never take any setback, no matter how devastating, as decisive. They keep coming, and have kept coming at non-Muslims, from Spain to India and elsewhere, as I show in the book, without respite, without reprieve, without reform.

The last chapter of The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS deals with jihad in the twenty-first century, and opens with 9/11. After having written the story of nearly fourteen hundred years of relentless jihad warfare, George W. Bush’s “Islam is peace” speech at the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. six days after 9/11 jolted me as it never had previously. Reading Bush’s speech after going through the details of fourteen centuries of jihad against non-Muslims made the speech appear much more startlingly fatuous and self-defeating than it already had even to me. Bush’s suicidal willful ignorance, coming after so much jihad warfare, so many ruined lives, so much bloodshed — it hit me with a wallop.  MORE

14 Comments on Why it was so devastating when George W. Bush said “Islam is peace” right after 9/11

  1. I was literally gobsmacked by Bush 41s statement. It’s one of the stupidest statements ever and forever deligitimized his standing and his role as commander in chief.

    Religion of peace. Pshaw.

    If Islam is a religion of peace then sexually transmitted diseases are gifts to the recipients.

  2. I was watching this show on the Historish Channel, called “The God Code”, about hidden prophecies in the Torah. They were discussing a code describing the 9/11 attack. I forget what the Hebrew characters translated to in English, but another code message crossing the 9/11 message–meaning it was related to the 9/11 message–was translated into English as “Nazi organization”. Which made me curious, because “Nazi” is not a word, but an abbreviation for several words. I have to think that the producers used “Nazi” instead of “Islam”, “mohammed”, “terrorist” or “allah”.

    Bush and like-minded fools are trying to bury warnings about hundreds of years of historical islam. Now it seems they might be burying warnings from thousands of years ago.

  3. The mohammadmen have hijacked the word peace the same way communists, especially the Soviets, did. To them, peace is the condition that exists after eliminating all opposition and when their particular totalitarian insanity is universal. See? All would be peaceful then.

  4. 911 was staged anyway.

    Building 7 collapsed vertically without being hit by a plane OR being on fire.

    Yet, all those demolitions you see that FAIL even after extensive planning proves this whole thing was an INSIDE JOB. Even almost 2 decades later, no Pentagon film has been released except a blurry one from a guard shack.



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