Why it’s some kind of Common Core double reverse racism, I tell you! – IOTW Report

Why it’s some kind of Common Core double reverse racism, I tell you!


frank rich

Breitbart: New York Magazine Writer-at-Large Frank Rich argued Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is benefiting from the “racist, bigoted part of the Republican base” on Wednesday’s “CNN Tonight.”

Rich was asked about Carson’s increase in fundraising after his comments about a Muslim president. He stated, “there is a racist, bigoted part of the Republican base. His own campaign manager said to the New York Post a couple of days ago, the Republican primary electorate is ’80-20′ on our side on these anti-muslim comments.”

When asked about his claim that there’s a racist element in light of the fact that Carson is African-American, Rich said, “He is a black man, and there’s been Republican support for other black candidates, Herman Cain last time. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean it applies to everybody, but I think Muslims are the new sort of target of this kind of racism.”

There’s video of this

22 Comments on Why it’s some kind of Common Core double reverse racism, I tell you!

  1. Frank Rich knows and understands how he and all other white dudes are natural born racists. He could sure use an exorcism from the Poop for his hidden, latent and grimy racist thoughts that permeate his entire being! He hides his hateful persona by loudly blaming others in order to take away suspicion from himself! He is a dream case for any Psychiatrist looking for a case study of self-hatred, self-loathing and seething racism! He must be a DemoRAT!

  2. Fur, you should post a warning for these kinds of stories, you know. “Side effects may include…” That sort of thing. Causes one to wonder why there are no gi-hugic gov’t research grants to study this guy’s kind of thinking.

  3. Well it’s 40 below and I don’t give a fuck,
    Got a heater in my truck and I’m off to the rodeo

    It’s an alla man left and alla man right
    Come on you fuckin’ dummy get your right step right
    Get off stage you god damn goof you know

    You piss me off, you fuckin’ jerk
    You get on my nerves

    Here comes Brad with his pecker in his hand,
    He’s a one ball man and he’s off to the rodeo

    It’s an alla man left and alla man right
    Come on you fuckin’ dummy get your right step right

    Ya Fucking Jerk!

  4. I wouldn’t click on a Breitbart link if they were hosting my life story. That site is so loaded with popups and advertising crap that it is just not worth it crashing my browser and suffering through their stuttering videos.

  5. You are correct, he did say that:

    “… but I think Muslims are the new sort of target of this kind of racism.”

    Can’t be a target of “racism” without a race. But he can still be a writer for New York Magazine without a brain. 🙂

  6. Big whoop, some artsy-fartsy New York fag drops the charge of “racism”. Not much original thought going on there. Honestly, these people think that crying “racism” is kryptonite. What does it even mean?

  7. Oh and for crying out loud Izlam is NOT a race. Just because millions of greasy hairy dark complected middle eastern mutts like to screw goats doesn’t mean you have to look like them to screw goats.

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