Why Kamala Harris Speaks With A Teleprompter – IOTW Report

Why Kamala Harris Speaks With A Teleprompter

[…] On Sunday, August 18, Harris spoke in Pennsylvania – a swing state which is crucial for her campaign if she is to be successful on election day. Addressing supporters in front of a poorly painted background, the Democrat once again jumbled her words as she spoke without a teleprompter.

15 Comments on Why Kamala Harris Speaks With A Teleprompter

  1. I wonder if anyone has ever done MRI imaging of her head to see if there’s a brain lurking somewhere inside her cranium.

    Maybe one of her “career booster” men missed her mouth, drove up through her sinus cavities, and slammed into and damaged her prefrontal cortex.

  2. ^ I had one years ago that kept rebooting itself and I traced it to a motherboard fault.

    That happens to her and she breaks into maniacal laughter because her brain froze and can’t think. We used to call those airheads because they can’t carry on an adult conversation

  3. She speaks like she was coached by a 4 year old or and adult that considers her a 4-year-old mentally. She then regurgitates it in front of cameras, with no more understanding than a parrot.

  4. I find it irresponsible, reprehensible and unimaginable that ANYONE with even a third grade education could be fooled into believing the unmitigated lies of the commie democrats that totally rely on Satan himself to bullshit the American people.
    Their lies, deceit and disingenuous propaganda are and have been on display for all the world to see.

    If a GOD loving Christian were to attempt such a blasphemous undertaking, most surly his computer would smolder and burst into flames.


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