Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive – IOTW Report

Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive

Return of Kings: No one wants to hear that they are ugly. It is a physical manifestation that one is not attractive enough for the opposite sex to pass on their genes. By nature, humans want to have access to the highest value mate available. It is one of the simplest insults yet one of the most effective, unless the target knows, basing his reasoning on facts, that according to criteria that have not changed since the dawn of time, he or she is not ugly but more attractive than a large portion of the population.

We have observed extensively how feminism and other leftist principles can ruin someone’s appearance in mere years. Even the science that those liberals love so much confirms it. But by dissecting what causes these extreme changes, we can call out its supporters and give them the dose of truth that could help them see the light if they did not refuse to ingest it.

What is voluntary ugliness?

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18 Comments on Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive

  1. I believe it’s because their parents violated some ancient curse and were bestowed evil little vacuous creatures as spawn that just kept getting bigger.

  2. Ugliness starts on the inside and then manifests itself for all to see.

    Lucifer, was one of the most beautiful creatures of creation but whose essence has become associated with deception, distrust, and death because of his desire to overthrow legitimate authority/Most High God.

    Obamer, looked like a success, smelled like a success, but could never deliver the goods because at heart all he has ever been is a wanna be pretender to leadership and integrity with a polished appearance doused with perfume. Even his marriage was sham intended to look real mainstream.

  3. I get it – there is somewhat of a double standard for men and women. But to put matters into a perspective that even liberals can understand, intentionally making yourself fatter and less attractive is horrible for your self esteem and outlook on life as well as your health.

    I tend to being overweight, and on a good day with some effort can be considered ordinary looking. But I watch my diet (not always successfully) and spend time in the gym. I will never be thin or have bulging muscles, but the best compliment I got at the gym is that I didn’t look like I could do what I was doing.

    More importantly, my mental outlook is better because at least I’m doing what I can do about the situation. I can either try to lose weight and become more healthy, or I can give up and surrender to Krispy Creme sessions in front of the television. I can joke about being fat because I’m continually trying to not be, and I’m comfortable with the effort – and I know that I can be much, much more overweight without it.

    Triggly Puff is a prime example of the low liberal self esteem that results in her being unattractive both physically and mentally. I know many women like her, and she will never be a thin supermodel. But the worst part is that she doesn’t even try – if she tried to at least be more fit and healthier, she would have a better outlook on life. But liberalism doesn’t encourage this, and in fact encourages just the opposite resulting in ugly people espousing ugly ideas in an effort to lower people to their level.

  4. I used to believe political choice was a matter of emotional/personality factors.
    Increasingly I think it’s a deeper matter of IQ.
    I work with many materially successful “progressives”. They’re in lucrative professions yet their intelligence is quite average.
    But the truly brilliant people I know– the kind of intelligence that continually surprises and impresses me– are all Conservative, in various flavors.

  5. In the early 90s I had a senior level college professor that scheduled individual meetings with us presumably to go over an assignment and in my meeting she used the 15 minutes to tell me wearing makeup, dressing in feminine clothes and the way I carried myself was because I was a slave to patriarchal society. Blah blah blah. I had not been exposed to that insanity much before and I don’t recall saying much in response. I thought it best to keep my mouth shut and get out unscathed but I didn’t change anything going forward except to wear more make-up and dress more feminine in her class which drew some prized death stares from her. They really resent and belittle women that don’t want to join them in their insanity.

  6. Liberals think with feelings not with brains. How they feel is how they consume. Comfort foods are big. Animal spirits.

    I’ve always lived by the saying: Eat to live; don’t live to eat.

  7. This is a direct result of Too Many Men without self esteem.
    Too many men will lower their standards and accept this kind of behavior because they feel that they are unworthy of competing for a decent looking mate.

    Just for the record, the inverse also applies to women.
    Women putting up with infantile bullshit is what allows men to devolve into Man-babies

  8. I have a face for print. Text only. However…

    “Man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.”

    “A pretty face can hide an evil mind.”

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