Why Moldova Matters – End The War in Ukraine Now – IOTW Report

Why Moldova Matters – End The War in Ukraine Now


You probably don’t spend a lot of time worrying about Moldova. It is entirely likely you cannot find Moldova on a map.  It is a very small country in Eastern Europe and not typically in the headlines.

Unfortunately, for the whole world, though, Moldova is suddenly very important, and what is happening there suggests we continue to stumble down the road to another World War.

The government of Moldova just collapsed. Moldova is Europe’s poorest nation. It was already struggling to deal with political and economic problems before Russia invaded Ukraine, and the war in Ukraine has produced ripple effects that are crushing the nation. Moldova is being hammered by inflation, high energy prices, unemployment, a refugee crisis, and continuing Russian threats of direct intervention.

Two days ago the Russians fired a volley of missiles at Ukraine. They sent those missiles straight through Moldovan airspace without making any pretense of requesting permission or providing notice. The message was clear. Moldova is a small country. Russia will do what it likes, and if the Moldovans don’t like it then the next step might be direct Russian attacks on targets inside Moldova. MORE

15 Comments on Why Moldova Matters – End The War in Ukraine Now

  1. If Russia occupies Transnistria then how much of Ukraine do they occupy?
    How come we are not seeing maps of Russian occupation of Ukraine in the news? Is it because the Russians have overtaken most of it, and the funding of Ukraine defense is a waste of money?

  2. Daniel 7:5 (NASB95)
    “And behold, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear. And it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth; and thus they said to it, ‘Arise, devour much meat!’

    The bear (Russia) was raised up on one side (western border) had three ribs (Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea) in its mouth between its teeth. This gives Russia access to warm water ports and control over oil and natural gas pipelines.

    With the help of the Turk Antichrist it also gives direct access to Israel.

    Daniel prophesied this 2700 years ago. Bible prophecy being fulfilled now. What’s next?

    We’re very close to the end of 2,000 years when our great high priest Jesus ascended into our Promised Land. We are to follow by about 2,000 cubits (years). Joshua 3:3,4. He who has ears…

  3. Buried deep in that article is the real truth:

    “And, yet, even as the threat from Moscow has receded NATO has continued to push east ever closer to Moscow. From Putin’s perspective, what may once have been a defensive alliance has now morphed into an offensive entity focused on toppling his regime and dominating the Eurasian landmass. In short, for Moscow NATO is increasingly an existential threat.”

    oBola and Shitpants, who both usurped the Presidency of this country, openly and brazenly declare that Putin must be removed.

    When did US law change? Supposedly we were NEVER to engage in ‘regime change’ in another country. But after Libya, Iraq, and countless -Stans, and every military intervention post WWII, acknowledged or not, we’ve dropped all pretense of being the guardians of a free world.

  4. Post WW2, NATO was strictly defined. Countries close to Russia were added, despite promises not to expand it. The buffer that made the Russians comfortable no longer exists. Of course they are going to react.

  5. “They can’t allow the war in Ukraine to stop, otherwise the US money laundering, child trafficking, and bioweapons might be exposed.”

    And that’s exactly why they’re pushing for a Thermal Nuclear war.

  6. @ DC FEBRUARY 13, 2023 AT 3:16 PM

    Six Years ago the powers that be sold a bill of goods to Tacoma residents. We have to stop the bleeding was their rallying cry. The suckers fell for it hook line and sinker to the tune of $325 Big. Today we have more failed and failing pavement in Tacoma than we did in 2016. The money has been pissed down a rathole and continues to be programmed and budgeted to fund more things like the Historic Water Ditch Trail also known as the South Tacoma Heroin, Fentanyl and Sex Trafficing Strip Mall.

    Our forefathers would have been shooting the bastards by now.

  7. For what it’s worth, the two most important parts in this substack article, the two things on which the rest of the handwringing in the article is based are both false.
    The Russian missile did not cross Romanian airspace, and Romania itself came out quickly to deny that assertion, which had come from the Ukraine Ministry of Defense.
    The missile did not cross over Moldovan airspace either, it crossed over Transnistrian airspace, not Moldovan airspace. Transnistria has been home to Russian troops for decades, so it is hardly worried about a Russian missile present overhead for a few seconds.
    Fact check away, but the original claims of missiles violating Moldovan and Romanian airspace were just more lies from the Ukrainian MOD. The guy who wrote this substack is either a Ukrainian shill, or an honest person who should have checked the facts a little closer before he flew off the handle.

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