Why Mr. Haley Switched Names – IOTW Report

Why Mr. Haley Switched Names

You just don’t look like a Bill,” Ms Haley said she told him.

21 Comments on Why Mr. Haley Switched Names

  1. Dick Trickle wouldn’t have minded being named Bob. Nimrata is a shameless political opportunist so whom believes anything comes outta her gob anyway? Poor little brown phony.

  2. Absolute proof NeoCon Haley is a malignant narcissist. Everything and everyone in her world must be micro managed to the point of total submission or suffer her wrath.

    Makes sense her husband is a weakling who obeys his dominatrix wife. He’ll let her do whatever kinky thing she wants, including cheat on him and he would know it.

    Haley would abuse the American people the same way. She must not be president…EVER!

  3. “Absolute proof NeoCon Haley is a malignant narcissist. ”

    You got to admit it’s pretty strange that after she worked there the wheels started falling off of Boeing planes.

  4. I’ve been a Jeff for nearly 71 years and I sure as heck am not going to call myself Russell which is my middle name now. My wife’s middle name was Louise, she hated that name. I joked with her once that we should call ourselves Russell and Louise instead of Jeff and Patty, she was not amused with that joke. One of my granddaughter’s middle name’s is Louisa because my daughter is a Little Women fan by Louisa May Alcott.

  5. My guess is, while in the throws of passion, she mistakenly called Bill, Michael (the name of one of her paramours), and told him it was a better fit. If you’re going to cheat, you have to be quick-witted.


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