Why O.J. Simpson Should Undoubtedly Remain in Prison – IOTW Report

Why O.J. Simpson Should Undoubtedly Remain in Prison

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

Orenthal James Simpson should remain in Jail. Not because of the armed robbery and kidnapping convictions. Nor because he brutally killed his wife and her friend, and got away with it.

Nay, he more than deserves to remain in prison for…

20 Comments on Why O.J. Simpson Should Undoubtedly Remain in Prison

  1. My daughter (15 year old) asked me who O. J. Simpson was yesterday. I told her that without O.J. we wouldn’t have the K clan and M (R) (S) Jenner.

    Her response was, “So your are saying he’s a bad man daddy?”

  2. If you are even slightly concerned about OJ, you have my sympathy. Because you are a moron.

    If you are hugely concerned about OJ, then you are on your way to snuff him as soon as he hits the street.

    Both of you may continue as you are.

    I’m way past the point of the media trying to tell me what I ought to be concerned with. They need to sell ads on TV. They’ll use OJ to do that.

    You don’t have to watch.

  3. I’ve read several stories on his release and the one thing I can’t seem to find are the terms and conditions as well as the length of his parole. That would be interesting to know. Somehow I can’t get over the feeling that at some point he’ll admit to the two murders and detail exactly how he did it (and not in some cheesy book) figuring he’s been acquitted so he’ll be free to torture the family of his two victims. Maybe he’ll be found sometime with his throat cut and the only evidence are some bloody footprints from a pair of Bruno Mali shoes.

  4. My prediction stands. If released, OJ will die in a WalMart parking lot at 3 AM.

    Drugs, cheap hookers and a pathetically small amount of money will be involved.

    No one will care.

  5. @ 99th Squad Leader
    TY. I really didn’t have a clue who they were. I don’t watch any TV other than an occasional Seinfeld or old, old reruns of comedy, and only read political sites.

  6. No prob, Plane Jane. You’re not the only one staying away from the junk in the news and entertainment.
    I try to keep up with Hollyweird and other cultural rot so that I can be equipped to deal with leftists and liberals. They are stupid beyond belief.

  7. I predict that OJ will hook up with Casey Anthony, and they will set off to search for the *real* killers. This will lead to their own reality TV series, showcasing their exploits weekly. Hilarity ensues. 🙁

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