Why President Trump Can And Should Declare A National Emergency At Our Southern Border – IOTW Report

Why President Trump Can And Should Declare A National Emergency At Our Southern Border

Why President Trump Can And Should Declare A National Emergency At Our Southern Border (Part I)

President Donald Trump should use the U.S. military to build the border wall along the United States’ international line with Mexico by declaring a national emergency, according to conservative analysts and commentators, supporters of President Donald Trump, and evidently off-the-record leaks from Trump Administration officials…


President Trump Shouldn’t Fear Legal Battles If He Declares Border Security A National Emergency (Part II)

If President Donald Trump uses the U.S. military to build the border wall along the United States’ international with Mexico by declaring a national emergency, won’t liberals simply run to a Federal judge whom they believe to be left-wing within the Ninth Circuit and block Trump? Can Congress vote to overturn Trump’s declaration of an emergency?


5 Comments on Why President Trump Can And Should Declare A National Emergency At Our Southern Border

  1. It will just get tied up in court for years while thousands more pour over the border. He had control of the House and Senate and squandered the opportunity. Too little, too late.
    All talk, no action.

  2. I love what trump has accomplished so far but if he caves to the demoncrats again on the wall it will make 3 strikes against him.

    Anyone recall last year when he blew up twatter with all his talk about gimmie the funding for my border wall or else and then just as suddenly he announces to the world that he “reluctantly” passed the funding bill because bla, bla, bla.

    Same thing happened in his first year fight over the budget.

    Now here we are going into year 3 and its the same tired kabuki dance except this time he tried letting americans feel some collective pain over NOT securing our nation and he caved yet again but STILL pushes his hardline on twatter that he’s gonna do it, again, don’t push me, I will, I swear it, bla, bla, bla.

    Trump is quickly losing his credibility as well as his tough-guy image when a criminal old troll like peelousy can manhandle him so effectively that it looks like stormy daniels is servicing him again.

    He better let his balls drop this time around or he will be called the new romney of negotiating.

  3. What happened to all those migrants that were camped in Tijuana? They’re running around this country now!
    Now a new group is on the way,they keep coming because they keep getting in.
    We’re being played.

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