Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing – Bigly – IOTW Report

Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing – Bigly

American Thinker:

By Jay Valentine

Ok, sit back from your sleepless nights and fury every time you turn on Fox News and put down the Chardonnay and take a long, deep breath.  Please!

On Monday, Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, who is one of the finest critical minds in the podcast world quoted AmericanThinker.com’s article that said Trump was probably going to win this thing.  Scott Adams agreed!

Scott Adams says Trump is right now a 60% favorite to win this thing.

Scott and I are probably the only two people on the planet, other than DJ himself thinking this right now.  Let’s go there for a moment.  Calm down!  Again.  Calm down! more here

7 Comments on Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing – Bigly

  1. The qualifier statement is, “the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election result”. The difference between knowing and being able to prove.

    It may be the case that the fraud was so huge not enough of the illegal votes can be proved to change the apparent result. [ I hope that is not what actually happens]

    But, fwiw, VDH said a few days ago he thinks Trump probably won, but the forces aligned against him are to great for him to overcome, and Biden will be given the election. I hope newer revelations will change his opinion, or prove his analysis was wrong.

  2. Everyone should keep their chin up, no matter what the election call is we in the public should not accept this travesty.
    I’m not rolling over for these scum no matter what There’s enough of us {if we remain together} to make it impossible for them to control the country and that’s just what we need to do. Pressure our governors, and other elected officials to push back and use other creative with ways to roadblock them at every turn. We simply cannot surrender to these scum.

  3. Trump should win no doubt, but he is surrounded by RINOS, Resistors and never Trumpets some of whom are no doubt in his confidence so to sabotage his efforts. With the help of God and of those who believe in the POTUS nothing is impossible! If however dark forces get their way I believe many with suffer voters remorse and there will be a conservative landslide in 2024.

  4. Seriously, all you freakin’ skeptics should grab your nookies and favorite blankie and go to bed. Your “ya butts” and “chin up no matter what” crap just show your lack of faith and, well, ignorance. People get depressed reading that. TRUMPS GOT THIS. Just Frikkin Read and Comprehend. Man, i’ve had to beat this despondency out of my closest friends too and i get these “oh, what are we gonna dooooo???” Man up.

    Stop reading and listening to the prophets of Baal.

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