Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment – IOTW Report

Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment

American Thinker:

Observers of human history might have to go back all the way to Galileo to find a ruling class as determined to cancel someone as much as today’s is to cancel Sidney Powell in response to her single-minded devotion to bringing the truth of the full scale of the 2020 election fraud to light. 

Galileo broke the news/discovery that the earth wasn’t the center of the universe, and in fact revolved around the sun, and that just didn’t comport with what the ruling class, including church authorities, were prepared or willing to accept.  Galileo rocked their world — probably deeply threatening their hold of authority over the masses if they were exposed as so fundamentally wrong — so their solution wasn’t to deal with the truth but to put Galileo under house arrest and demand that he renounce his discovery.

The American ruling class of 2020 is bizarrely opposed to allocating any oxygen to what Sidney Powell has discovered and is alleging about Dominion Voting Systems (and others), about vote-shifting algorithms and partial decimal vote counts, and about vote manipulation showing up throughout the country.  Even Rudy Giuliani, the President’s attorney, and Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief of Staff, seem hellbent on publicly keeping their distance from Powell — and on keeping President Trump from getting too close to or aligned with Powell.

Other elements of the ruling class — such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary — won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled.  They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses — e.g., lack of standing — and wave off the substance of the allegations.

What gives?  Why are they behaving this way? Read more

19 Comments on Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment

  1. Other elements of the ruling class — such as SCOTUS and much of the rest of the federal judiciary — won’t even look at the evidence Powell has assembled. They just ‘don’t want to go there’, and so they make up legal excuses — e.g., lack of standing — and wave off the substance of the allegations.

    What gives? Why are they behaving this way?

    Sidney Powell is threatening to break their rice bowls.

    (And, yes, that is also an allusion to where their rice bowls get filled from.)

  2. I don’t get the reason for their treatment of this lady. If Giuliani and Trump’s attorneys have proven her allegations are false, let’s hear it. I haven’t read that they have. Otherwise, let her proceed and help Trump out.

    I don’t understand too much of what is going on in any of the three branches of the Federal government these days. It’s like being Sgt. Schultz. I know nothink. I suspect lots of things are kept from us, and I don’t know why. Are we just modern day slaves?

  3. I could be mistaken, but could the reason that the President’s team be distancing themselves from Powell be so that they can do a two-pronged attack? If they appeared to be working together courts or any other venue could lump them together and dismiss them with a single wave of the hand. This keeps the opposition fighting a two-front war.

  4. If Biden/Harris take office, this will be the last election.
    They have already said what their plan of attack will be. Stacking the court, sweeping gun legislation, tax the living shit out of America, sale it off to China.
    Who are Trump and company fighting? Everybody.
    The Media, Big Tech, China, SCOTUS, and RINOs. RINOs are making a stand to prove their worth, in case the new regime does take power.
    Have Faith that Trump and company have a plan. They will never get credit.
    When Tapper can go on national news and claim that everything Kayleigh McEnany says is a lie, journalism is dead.

  5. Democrats have spent for 4 years spewing hate. Mostly hate Trump. I bet most the the people that voted for Biden, just voted “hate Trump”. It had nothing to do with any issues.

  6. I find the third possibility to be the weakest. They don’t want people to know just how corrupt the election process is if the proof is released.

    What the h— do they think we believe NOW? Do any of us have one speck of trust in our election process now? I don’t even believe that our elections in my lifetime have been free of corruption.

    If that’s why they won’t let her do her job, then someone needs to smack them upside their heads! And hard … repeatedly.

  7. Because she has the goods on them and they have to treat her with kid gloves to avoid defamation suits that would further open them up to discovery and expensive litigation. Run out the clock time, just act like she is crazy and don’t give her a stage on the public square or in the courts to air the evidence.

  8. 2020 will be remembered (by some) as the Year of the Coup, fueled by the Medicalists, backed by the Leftists, in order to destroy what was left of the Greatest Government the world would ever know.


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