Why Teen Sex Is Linked to Depression – IOTW Report

Why Teen Sex Is Linked to Depression

'Teenagers don't have the maturity for physical relationships, regardless of what adults in our culture say'

MomZette: I am often asked to speak about sex to high school students. Many adults shudder at the thought of talking to kids about sex — but I love it. First, I have a captive audience, and second, I get to talk about two things that I am very passionate about: the dangers of teen sex and the joys of sex in marriage.

Many adults worry that kids will be too shy to ask questions, but I have found them eager to have their questions answered in an honest, upbeat manner.

I do not take the topic of teens and sex lightly. I have seen the pain of STDs in 13- and 14-year-old children in my office as a pediatrician, along with other serious health issues caused by sex.

Most people are aware of the physical repercussions of sex:

  • We now have 35 known STDs. In 1960, we only had two.
  • Teenagers make up one-third of the U.S. population, but they carry 50 percent of STDs.
  • One in four teens has an STD. (Over 80 percent of those infections have no symptoms, so they can go undetected, which is dangerous for the teen, their future sexual partners, and their future children.)

You may be familiar with those numbers, but few are aware of the emotional repercussions teen sex can have.  

10 Comments on Why Teen Sex Is Linked to Depression

  1. with the hormones released during sex there is imprinting done mentally for both the males and females. Your first sexual encounter affects you for life, mentally, to some extent.

    If your first sexual encounter is a one night stand or in the back seat of the car, then sex is mentally equated to abandonment for the female and promiscuity for the male.

    If the first sexual encounter is imprinted onto you mentally with your spouse, who is still with you in the morning, because it’s on your wedding night, then sex is equated with commitment and stability and that one person.

    Makes a difference.

    What if someone’s first sexual encounter is imprinted on them mentally by an abuse situation?

    They done just got robbed as well as abused.

  2. Read the entire article. There is so much truth in it. We now have a political party that is all about sex, abortion, ending marriage as an institution and “free” health care to treat STDs. Hollywood and politicians haven’t helped much.

  3. After years of my preaching, my college-aged daughter is seeing the effects of teen sex second-hand (thank the Lord!) and now fully “gets” it. The girls who are having sex are depressed, self-loathing and medicating the pain through excessive alcohol or drugs. Some of these girls will do anything — I mean ANYTHING– in a desperate bid for attention from the young men around them. And they do actually receive attention, in the form of a one-night stand or an occasional 2 am booty call. But they are totally perplexed as to why they can’t hold a guy’s attention beyond that.

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