Why That 9/11 Ground Zero Mosque Controversy Could Return – IOTW Report

Why That 9/11 Ground Zero Mosque Controversy Could Return


It’s been a controversial battle for years and now it could be back. Ground Zero mosque sent New York City into a tailspin, with an immense backlash that led developers to put a hold on the project. Since then, it’s gone through tweaks and changes—but it seems this development project is back on track. The building is a mere two blocks from the site of the horrific 9/11 terror attacks. Radical Islamic terrorists murdered some 3,000 Americans by flying planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. United Airlines 93 Flight crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers bravely sacrificed their lives in an attempt to retake the plane from the hijackers. The intended target was reported to be either the White House or the Capitol Building. The whole project just seemed unseemly, but it’s reared its ugly head again. Pam Geller at The American Thinker found out about this project’s resurrection in New York YIMBY (“Yes In My Backyard”) (via NY YIMBY):

YIMBY is counting down the 31 tallest skyscrapers under construction in New York City. Our annual list looks at projects that made a substantial amount of progress since the beginning of 2019. We start with 45 Park Place, a 43-story reinforced concrete superstructure topped out at 667 feet tall above the Manhattan neighborhood of Tribeca. The modestly slender skyscraper is designed by SOMA Architects with Ismael Leyva Architects serving as the executive and residential architect. The property is being developed by Sharif el-Gamal of Soho Properties.


Construction has also yet to begin on 51 Park Place, which is slated to become a 71-foot-tall, 16,000-square-foot Islamic cultural center.

A completion date for 45 Park Place has not been heard of, but sometime next year seems likely.

9 Comments on Why That 9/11 Ground Zero Mosque Controversy Could Return

  1. @joe6pak – I suggest that the construction crew dump a couple of pounds of ground pork in each concrete truck before every pour. When the building’s almost finished, tell the mohammadmen about it and ask how they plan to purify the place.

  2. Thirdtwin, you’re right! muzzies have been at it for 1400 years, they have no intention of stopping. libs and commies are no different, they just haven’t been at it as long. We all know what it is going to take to win and stop this madness.

  3. Uncle Al, they would have to film and have it notarized some imam, otherwise they will conveniently pretend to no nothing. We need to do anything and everything to beat these inbred, 7th century, barbarians back!

  4. Am I the only one that cares he doesn’t care? About this? At all? At best?

    It’s New York City! Sure I’d prefer an open air nuclear dump. But, as long as it’s somebody else’s money? Meh.

    Really? Just me?

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