Why the Environmental Left Is Secretly Petrified by Truly Renewable Energy – IOTW Report

Why the Environmental Left Is Secretly Petrified by Truly Renewable Energy

AT: The hypocrisy of the environmental left is well documented: Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, and the other Hollywood eco-saints travel far and wide in their gas-guzzling limos and private jets to preach the importance of riding bicycles and to spread the gospel of wind and solar power.  However, perhaps more astounding than their “green life for thee, but not for me” lifestyle is the reality that environmental radicals, despite all their hollering to the contrary, don’t actually want truly cheap and renewable energy.  In fact, the creation of affordable, clean, widely available energy is one of their greatest fears.

On March 9, a team from MIT and Commonwealth Fusion Systems announced in the academic journal Nature that they are closer than ever to making nuclear fusion a reality.  If successful, nuclear fusion would provide incredibly cheap, environmentally friendly energy to the world – and the researchers believe that the technology could be ready for a commercial rollout in as few as fifteen years.

As Fox News noted in a recent report on the potential discovery, “[n]uclear fusion is the be-all and end-all source of energy because, in theory, it’s practically unlimited and has almost no downside.  It doesn’t put carbon into the atmosphere like the burning of fossil fuels or generate radioactive waste like nuclear fission, which is the technology in current nuclear power plants.”

If nuclear fusion is achieved, it will in relatively short order render much of the existing energy market useless.  Many traditional power plants would close.  Carbon dioxide emissions would be cut dramatically in countries with enough wealth to build nuclear fusion plants.  Billions of people would have access to affordable energy that they never had before.

This scenario might sound as though it’s every environmentalist’s paradise, but there’s more to leftist environmentalism than obsessing about global warming.  For many on the left, growing human population sizes and their effect on the environmental is also a very serious concern.  For instance, in his population control book Ten Billion, environmentalist Stephen Emmott wrote, “Only an idiot would deny that there is a limit to how many people our Earth can support.  The question is, is it seven billion (our current population), 10 billion or 28 billion?  I think we’ve already gone past it.  Well past it.”

University of Hawaii at Manoa professor Camilo Mora wrote in a 2014 paper in the journal Ecology and Society, “What caught my interest on this whole issue is how humans are causing the destruction of ecosystems.  At the end of the day … we cannot stop hurting biodiversity if we don’t stop reproducing so quickly.”  read more

16 Comments on Why the Environmental Left Is Secretly Petrified by Truly Renewable Energy

  1. I’ve wondered about these numbnuts all my life and it finally just dawned on me. While there is that control factor, what if these lemmings are just afraid. Afraid to live, afraid to die. Scared to love, can’t handle hate. Fear of success, fear of failure. They need to be in their cocoon without the experience of all the lows and highs in life.

    The Beta in the drug-damaged DNA of the 60’s crowd has infected the larger herd. While the Elites do want to rule, they’re too cowardly to grab it by themselves and instead use their weaker herd members for the grunt work.

    ***Sometimes I just let my mind wander outside alone without a chaperone.

  2. I’ve been waiting for viable nuclear fusion since breathlessly watching the Apollo 11 mission on TV in grade school. Efficiencies of these power plants will finally make ion/plasma drives a reality. Planetary colonization will no longer be stymied by the logistical implausibility of hauling tankers of fuel, or the hope that a local source can be found.

    Prog fears of energy-freedom sparking a subsequent, unsupportable population growth are frankly insulting. Humanity’s best and brightest have always innovated and solved massive problems with solutions that, 150 years ago, would have been considered magic…350 years ago, witchcraft!

    This energy source will not doom us, it will free us. A huge factor of food production is the cost of inputs, the largest being fuel. This will allow agriculture to become even more efficient and even perhaps profitable. Resulting, for the first time in history, the ability to truly feed the world.

    Granted, it will be disruptive to legacy energy companies and the plethora of support industrial partners (all of whom would be wise to begin realignment of their investment strategies). But, that is ever the way of technological advance. Black powder, printing press, steam engine, cotton gin, antibiotics, aircraft, vacuum tubes, semiconductors, and computers…each disrupted the soon-to-be legacy industries of their day. Business and economies adapted and went on to greater heights of achievement and advancement at dynamic rates. Fusion will be no different.

    The Prog fears and gnashing of teeth issues will become yesterday’s myths, overnight. Taking their rightful place alongside falling off the edge of the world, Earth as center of Universe, and the Four Humors!

    Fusion will solve far more problems than it creates and, we will finally have a real chance to move out into that ‘Final Frontier’.

    Sorry for the ramble…way past Gramp’s rack-time!

  3. Wasnt it said about nuclear power plants that they would produce endless amounts of energy too cheap to meter? Who will invest in nuclear fusion plants if no money can be made? Not that optimistic.

  4. Thanatos, if memory serves, means “death urge.”

    In the comics, the villain Thanos, as his name indicates, lives for and worships Death and so is willing to depopulate half the universe to prove it. He, however, must survive at all cost…he’s never willing to lead by example. He has thanatos for everyone else, never for himself. He’s too important.

    These academics, moguls and celebrities are possessed by the same selfish, hypocritical spirit of thanatos. They really do want mass death, but they want almost everyone else to go first.

    Start pointing that out to their fans and parrots at every opportunity…the very people who are among those the elite would want to see die. Puncture their parasocial illusion. Watch them shrivel up in silence.

  5. Oh, and…

    “Why the Environmental Left Is Secretly Petrified by Truly Renewable Energy”

    Simple. The same reason snake oil salesmen in the Old West depended on people only feeling better but never being cured: no more need for their fake product = no more $$$ for them. Same with every scam the Left runs.

  6. Huh?
    Wood is “renewable.”
    Petroleum is being made by bacteria under the enormous pressures of the oceans, as we speak (type).
    The Sun is fusing Hydrogen into heavier elements on a continual (continuous) basis.
    The Universe renews itself – it’s a closed system.

    All that “green” energy bullshit is just that: BULLSHIT.
    The maggots need angles to extort money from the suckers – and energy is one that requires a little scientific knowledge and some common sense – so it is fertile ground for shysters and con-men.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If fusion became a reality, how could green leftists like Gore and Dicaprio fly to exotic locales on private jets in an effort to scare the bejesus out of people with claims of apocolypse which, under their models, has already happened? Resorting to population explosion fears isn’t a realistic alternative because at some point people will realize that “hey, they are talking about killing me, my family and my friends.”

    For political elites (not all of them are Democrats), life at the top is just fine and the main focus should be controlling and bamboozling the voters so they can remain at the top. Political elites never want change because change is uncertain and change may make them vulnerable to replacement.

  8. it seems to me that the unindustrialized countries are the ones who have exploding population problems.

    developed countries have diminishing birthrates that are so low they cannot replace the existing population let alone grow it.

    it’s natural that once you don’t need large families for support of the old that the large families would diminish.

    conservation of resources. very natural.

    now industrialize the non industrial countries and you would have the same experience. cheap abundant energy can only help.

    unless you need that never ending supply of cheap slave labor to support your lifestyle of being rich and famous.

    nancy and chuck will never hold a rake on their front lawns again.

  9. This is why I don’t worry about so-called global warming. The alarmists want us to give up our way of life in order to change the temperature by 1.5 degrees in 100 years. Long, long before that, fusion will make most fossil fuels obsolete. Technology will solve these problems without making drastic changes today.


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