Why the House won’t vote for impeachment – IOTW Report

Why the House won’t vote for impeachment

In the end, Pelosi is doing nothing but checking a box for the most partisan people in her party. There will be nothing to show for it but wasted time and a diversion of the nation’s political conversation away from issues that real people care about. -CNN opinion piece.

By Tim Jones/American Thinker-

Although the Democrats may have done a dumb thing by initiating an impeachment process, they aren’t so stupid as to damage their electoral prospects as well as their credibility in the wake of the abject failure of the Mueller investigation.  So the too-smart-by-half Democratic elites will take the short-term hit to their credibility on an impeachment inquiry rather than vote out articles of impeachment from the floor of the House of Representatives.

First, what kind of articles of impeachment can they write?  The quid pro quo claim is a complete non-starter, where, in essence, they are trying to criminalize the words and the foreign policy of Trump by divining his intention in order to make their case for impeachment.  There is absolutely no law they can point to that he broke in his conversation with President Volodymyr Zelensky.  Second, it can’t even claim to be a violation of campaign finance laws

So what do the Democrats have to go on?  Absolutely nothing.  Hypothetically, if they were to write up a couple of completely bogus articles of impeachment, they know they don’t have a chance of surviving a trial in the Senate.  There is also the possibility that some of the Democrat representatives who were elected in 2018 in districts that Trump won in 2016 will vote against the articles along with some Democrats who actually have a remaining principle or two. read more

5 Comments on Why the House won’t vote for impeachment

  1. So in dropping impeachment, Nancy will say President Trump is a reprobate, and she has the evidence, but those damned republicans are unprincipled and would never vote to convict one of their own. Hey Nancy, you’re supposed to be a “good Catholic”; check out that 8th commandment

  2. Disagree COMPLETELY.
    At this point, the Dems have nothing to lose by voting to impeach.

    They know they can’t win 2020,
    so their only consolation prize is a symbolic “scalp,”
    in hopes that it saves the Democrats from utter political annihilation.

    BUT: lots coming which will upset the dynamics of everything:
    IG Report, assorted reports by Huber, Durham, etc.

    So, we’ll see….

  3. Natterin’ Nan has few options left, and this is a bed of her own making. When Trump extended the olive branch to Congress, she and Schumer bit his hand off — whereupon Trump kicked them both out of his office. Literally.

    It’s too late now, no matter which way she jumps. Consequences are a bitch, Nan. You let the squalling children in Congress believe you were all aboard the impeachment train. Now shut up and ride it over the cliff.

  4. They’ll drag it out for as long as they can well into the campaign season, trying to tarnish and muddy the president for as long as anyone is willing to listen. They’ll vote to impeach then blame the “partisan” senate for not agreeing with them.

    If anything, they’ll wait until the indictments come down on spygate and the FISA abuse report is finally released before voting to impeachment. That way their allies in the media can focus on that rather than the real criminals.


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