Why the “Learn to Code” Meme ENRAGES the Media – IOTW Report

Why the “Learn to Code” Meme ENRAGES the Media

17 Comments on Why the “Learn to Code” Meme ENRAGES the Media

  1. Funny! I’ve been confused by “Learn to code…. ” but, ah, what a wonderful smarmy put down to all the left wing egoists, who, for decades, lectured Rust Belt Americans to just move, re-train, do something different.

    I like it! ….Lady in Red

  2. I agree, Illustr8r! It’s hilarious with all the tweaking people are doing on Twitter to change “Learn to code” to something like, “Learn to Cod” (cod fishing)! It’s so evil to enjoy the left’s discomfort. Am I bad?


  3. #LearnTo SortTrash- They certainly know what it looks like.

    Coincidence? You tell me-
    The “Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act” included in the National Defense Authorization Act was enacted by obama in 2017. It expired in December of 2018. It provided 160 million dollars for 2 years, for journalistic support. It was essentially a propaganda operation directed at the US public.
    and now they lay off 1000+ journalists. Yeah, probably nothing there.
    but the little piggies will have to find a new trough to feed at.

  4. #LearnToNotBeCoddled

    Brad’s right — put ’em to work in the fields, behind lawn mowers, on the business end of shovel, a mop, or a toilet bowl brush. Put ’em through basic and send ’em to the border to “police (pick up butts and gum wrappers)the area.”

  5. What about all those jobs they claim that americans refuse to do?
    I am sure that a few illegals will move aside so the journo’s can push the lawn mover, hand over the rake, or become a housemaid so they can learn what it is like to actually work and get your hands dirty for your daily bread instead of sitting on their ever-widening rumps typing lies into their computer all day long.


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