Why the long face? Kerry says we’ve got just nine years left to prevent climate Armageddon – IOTW Report

Why the long face? Kerry says we’ve got just nine years left to prevent climate Armageddon

[…] The scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,” Kerry later told CBS News.

“There is no room for B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it on this one,” the climate czar said. MORE

52 Comments on Why the long face? Kerry says we’ve got just nine years left to prevent climate Armageddon

  1. You’d think by now that these assholes would’ve learned that making specific time-based predictions wasn’t helping their arguments.

  2. “we’ve got just nine years left to prevent climate Armageddon”

    Al Gore said that very same thing 20 years ago. He has his big houses, jets, even Gore didn’t believe what he was saying at the time. Drivel.

    Big slew of people who predicted the end of the world – wasn’t it Trudeau who chimed in on the end of the world due to climate change. So many, I’ve lost count. I think I’d believe that another flood or getting sucked into a black hole is more likely.

  3. I truly loathe this mother clucker he represents everything I despise.

    Narcissistic, False Christian,Got people killed in Vietnam, Mother clucker even married for money!

    He’s sooooo Teresa Heinz’s bitch that she won’t even take his name with a hyphen.
    J.K.I.A.B. = John Kerry is a Bitch.

  4. Climate disasters have been forecast countless times since the 1960s, and every one has been wrong.

    Kerry is so totally invested in this crap that it’s made him stupid (stupider?) and stubborn. We’ve been saying he’s horse-faced, but I suggest that mule-faced is more apt. “Francis the Talking Mule” Kerry.

  5. @ China Virus Dems Cheated 2020 Election Fraud

    No kidding.
    A Memory Hole is a beautiful thing, if you choose to use it, in which case you out yourself as a sociopath, psychopath, or some other path, to whom there is no truth. None.

  6. Wow !!!
    Are there still people buying into the Bull…
    This what their 5th or 6th PREDICTION… with them being ZERO in 5 right right so far…

    To them like AL GORE it is is POLITICAL & $$$$$$$$ nothing more…

    Ever notice all predictions are always 8 to 12 years out…?

  7. Anyone else notice how the “Weather ” has gotten a lot worse since we have stalled the world economy, halted major Air, Land, & Sea Travel. Manufacturing output cut by at least 30% min.

    Anyone think that some of the Hydro & Water problems in TEXAS could be the result of HACKING the hydro, water & natural Gas grids like Putin did to the Ukraine years ago.
    [Source: Wiki Dec 2015 Ukraine power grid cyberattack]

    CBS was just last week saying that there were and are MAJOR attacks still effecting critical US systems.

    Funny how Biden has declared an emergency in Texas but national guardsmen are still in the Capitol.

    I’m a natural gas guy and all you have to really do is burn up a few pumps, damage a few regulators and blow a few fuses in the right places. With weather and lockdowns making everything take days instead of hours you get the Texas result.

    Cyber hacks have fucked up Utilities many times in many countries. The US did it to Russia under Reagan first.

    This whole pandemic is a dry run on de-industrialization, human control, and the world being carved up into large regions run by the Ultra rich who control those areas completely.
    China’s sphere, the West’s sphere, Europe’s Sphere, and Africa & South America as sub areas/colonies, etc. as they have always been.
    Entire Countries become provinces in Super nations that fight each other with cyber attacks, viruses, & limited physical engagements.
    Military’s primary focus becomes citizen control & rebellion squashing not fighting other super nation armies.

    Off to put another layer on my Tin Foil hat.

  8. Good ole Monsieur Jean Fraud Gigilo Goodhair, the not-too-swift-boat, medal-tossing, tax-dodging, flip-flopping, arrogant, self-absorbed, hung-like-a-field-mouse, moisturizing-metrosexual, Jihad Coddling, precognitive-Global Warming Meteorologist and Politically Correct, gold-digging, ketchup money-loving, Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome (his favorite pick-up line is Hay Babe!)
    This preening Dumbshit is STILL living off his second wife’s first husband’s fortune because he is so incompetent he couldn’t pour the piss out of a riding boot if the instructions were written on the heel… which is exactly why this future Glue-Stick wuz picked to be “Climate Envoy”

  9. Sometime during the Cretaceous there was a dinosaur that predicted climactic Armageddon. The other dinosaurs all laughed, but eventually the prediction was fulfilled.
    Eons later, a feathered descendant (C. Little) was again proclaiming imminent doom.

    Now, a talking horse is whinnying a similar warning.

  10. As a Navy veteran I have never had any respect for john effn kerry. He was a traitor to this country 50 years ago at the end of the Vietnam War and now chicken little expects us to believe this bullshit. I should’ve got a Purple Heart (intense sarcasm) for smacking my head on a missile fin when I wasn’t wearing my helmet when I was underneath my plane and ended up with nine stitches in my forehead and a big bloody gash by his standards. Once an asshole always an asshole.

  11. Kerry, if mankind is killing off the earth why not have your followers jump off a high cliff or building and help rid the planet of the large number of the scourge? And save the other critters from extinction caused by humans.

  12. When Geoff C. told me about Ker-EEE!’s latest prediction, it made me think of those street preachers and their cardboard signs: “The End is Near”.

    The street preachers are more credible.

  13. John Kerry knows less about “science” than my goose.
    And that’s a FACT!

    Why do these pretentious assholes get any air-time?
    Show us your PhD in Physics, John.

    Any time any maggot politician or Hollyweird slut starts yammering about science, or even “science,” you better hold on to your wallet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. He Married wealthy and the family sent him into politics so he could not fuck up the family Ketchup business.

    100% recession proof product but if he actually got involved he could find a way to fuck it up.

  15. “There is no room for B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it on this one.”
    Here – I fixed it for you:
    “There is no room for anything but my B.S. anymore. There’s no faking it by anyone but me on this one.”
    Ketchup face!

  16. Everyone remember to take your ‘vaccine’! The ruling class must reduce the earth’s population to 500,000,000 to save the planet… for themselves. Climate change goes hand in hand with population reduction and COVID is the ‘crisis’ that must not go to waste! Sorry about your gene, it must be eliminated for the good of the rulers… gene. Mother Nature must have massive numbers of abortions to satisfy these psychopaths.

  17. @ Geoff the Aardvark: FWIW, I met a man a gun range clubhouse here in MT a few years ago – back in the oscuma years as I remember. Somehow we got talking politics and kerry came up. Turns out the two went to the same prep school back East. The man mentioned that kerry was a pretty good athlete but also the biggest, most arrogant, preposterous phony asshole in the entire school. Sounded right…

  18. The last few seconds of the 2021 Kentucky Derby:

    …and as they come into the final stretch, Ketchup John and Red Alexia are neck-to-neck…Holy Cow, amazingly they cross the finish line at the exact same time…well, ladies and gentlemen…it looks like nobody wins this one.

    By the way, we have to inform our audience of the sad news that Biden My Time collapsed just after the gate opened and had to be humanely destroyed. Although some fans have reported that his jockey, Kamela Anchoviez was beating him severely with a metal pipe, Racetrack officials have denied the report.


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