Why The ‘Sternly Written Letters’ Must End – IOTW Report

Why The ‘Sternly Written Letters’ Must End



7 Comments on Why The ‘Sternly Written Letters’ Must End

  1. The problem is that they protect their own.

    The treasonously corrupt FBI, part of the treasonously corrupt DOJ, is supposed to investigate the treasonously corrupt House which colluded and conspired with the treasonously corrupt FBI in perpetrating treason?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I sincerely hope that those who have participated in the attempted destruction of this country’s core values, used their offices for personal gain over the interests of the American people, caused massive financial ruin, destroyed people’s lives, incessantly lied, clearly committed crimes that would rise to treason and participated in the blatant corruption that is DC, suffer harsh punishment. Although I have little confidence that any of them will, the results of their actions have effectively destroyed what little confidence the American people ever had in their government. Until people like these pay a heavy price for their crimes, such behavior will continue. Arrogance, power and greed are powerful and addictive drugs. The rot of tolerating unacceptable and criminal behavior from public officials is most likely too far advanced as it is in society as a whole. I hope that I am wrong.


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