Why The Truth Behind Hunter Biden’s Actions In Ukraine Matters To Us All – IOTW Report

Why The Truth Behind Hunter Biden’s Actions In Ukraine Matters To Us All

SaraCarter: It is understandable that any father would be uncomfortable discussing his son’s personal problems and ethical transgressions.  In that regard, Joe Biden is no different.  But Joe Biden is not just any father – he is the Democratic Party’s candidate for President of the United States.  And his son Hunter’s Ukraine issues are not just personal matters. 

What then Vice-President Joe Biden knew about his son Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine at a time when Joe Biden was the Obama administration’s point person for Ukraine, whether the Vice-President helped facilitate his son’s actions, and just what Hunter Biden did are all matters of public importance.  They impacted on the message our country sent around the world with respect to foreign affairs and our efforts to stamp out corruption.  And the underlying facts provide an important window into Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden’s ethical compass.

Calls for a full investigation into just what happened have rung out for many years from a variety of sources. But not only have those calls been rejected, President Trump was impeached in large part for trying to force the issue and demand an investigation. His political opponents cast his demands that Ukrainian officials publicly investigate once and for all as an unlawful effort to use a foreign government to affect an election, using the excuse that Joe Biden was one of a large field of Democratic Party primary candidates.In fact, Trump haters in Congress carried this phony claim to the ultimate degree and used it to impeach the President, thereby demeaning the solemnity of the impeachment process and continuing to successfully bury the true facts surrounding the Biden Affair. And so all relevant questions remain unanswered.

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7 Comments on Why The Truth Behind Hunter Biden’s Actions In Ukraine Matters To Us All

  1. The Ukraine is just a part of it. It’s also Russian and Chicom money and only God knows who else at this point! I mean really, does anyone really think this spoiled, coke-head asshole has any so-called “standards” when it comes to accepting money???
    Influence pedaling is one thing. Selling out your country for your own personal gain is quite another!! The truth matters because it’s TREASON!

  2. The communist-infiltrated criminals need to know how far they can push Americans against the fence before a push back.

    Whether they succeed or not, in running us off on our knees from our homes, families and friends, they will soon know how many of us will be standing on our feet and ridding our Country of these parasites.

    RUSSIA! Here they are, We give them to you for free (one-way transit guaranteed)…if you want them! No change from an American’s interpretations and arrangements of Muss Org Sky. I still love one of Russia’s daughters. Am asking for a favor as a slight benefit for Americans.

    China! Here they are, We give them to you for free labor…if you want them! Some of them will be from the movie “industry” governed by their attending audience along with Spike Lee to be boss over his slave laborers while instructing them how evil America is.

    Cuba! Here they are for free labor in helping you keep the 1950’s automobiles running.

    We don’t need them.


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