Why the world’s largest automaker isn’t all-in on electric vehicles – IOTW Report

Why the world’s largest automaker isn’t all-in on electric vehicles


Roughly two decades ago, Toyota Motor became the preferred carmaker of U.S. environmentalists and eco-conscious consumers with its Prius hybrid, an “electrified” vehicle that was among the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles ever produced.

Amid rising gas prices, demand for the vehicle grew and inspired other automakers to roll out a litany of hybrid models. Prius vehicles, including a plug-in hybrid electric model, remain among the most fuel-efficient, gas-powered cars in America.

But as the auto industry transitions to a battery-powered future, the Japanese automaker has fallen out of favor with some of its once-core supporters due, ironically, to the Prius and Toyota’s hesitancy to invest in all-electric vehicles.

“The fact is: a hybrid today is not green technology. The Prius hybrid runs on a pollution-emitting combustion engine found in any gas-powered car,” Katherine García, director of the Sierra Club’s Clean Transportation for All campaign, wrote in a recent blog post.

Greenpeace last week ranked Toyota at the bottom of a study of 10 automakers’ decarbonization efforts, citing slow progress in its supply chain and sales of zero-emission vehicles such as EVs that totaled less than 1% of its overall sales. MORE

17 Comments on Why the world’s largest automaker isn’t all-in on electric vehicles

  1. Plucking Sierra club delusional useful idiots.. are you unable to understand that the electric power required to haul your phat @ss and 4000 lb “clean vehicle” still has to originate from somewhere?
    Something called a “power plant”, you may have heard of it? Yes, something we should be reading about daily, upgrades to the electric infrastructure to support the load of where we’re going, YET we do not? What does that clearly tell us?
    And then to get it into and out of your battery and into useful work is a highly lossy process?
    It’s pure nwo mind control, much like the plandemic.
    Our local giant Amazon warehouse is tearing up a large part of their fleet vehicle parking, yes they’re installing charging stations. Being a large part of the NWO they have to lead by example whether it makes sense or not..

  2. All “electric” vehicles are powered primarily by fossil fuels–that’s where the electricity primarily comes from– almost entirely thanks to low intelligence people known as environmentalists/leftists. Not only that but they use fossil fuels a lot more wastefully than internal combustion powered vehicles (due the the losses from turning the chemical energy in fossil fuels into kinetic energy used to turn generators which generate the AC electricity, then sending that electricity through wires to charging stations, then converting the AC to DC electricity to charge the “electric” cars–each one of those steps is a loss in efficiency and more uselessly wasted fossil fuels).

    If we were generating 100% of our electricity with nuclear power as we should have been for the last 40+ years, than electric cars would be good for the environment. As it is they are far, far worse than internal combustion cars.

  3. The “fast” charging station in Ellensburg is at the Taco Bell and the manbuns and tattooed chicks were all getting their smug on there when they first put them in. They were all strutting around all smiles. Not so today. The novelty has worn off and the pieces of shit are slowly coming to the realization that they have bought a pig in a poke.

    I left Friday night from work, took in a county fair and some Indian relay races in north central Washington, visited friends in north Idaho and more friends and my dad in north western Montana and was back at work Tuesday morning. 1,202 miles total and not a Goddamn one of them could have kept up. I buy a vehicle to serve my needs and the needs of my family, I don’t buy a vehicle so I can serve the Goddamn thing.

  4. Suuuure…..I’d love to see these greeniac EnviroNazis stuck in a sub-zero snowstorm in their dead battery electro-vehicles. On a back road. With no cell service. And NO help in sight. Think they’d survive to the next day?
    I can see the “For Sale” ad now……
    “For Sale. Slightly used EV, only 100 miles/20 hours. Previous owner deceased, found on a back road frozen from a snow storm. Call dealer, make offer”

  5. Oh, and I saw a couple of them tied together like one was trying to give another one some charge at a rest stop. They were some kind of SUV looking thing called Riban. I haven’t seen many of those, or at least noticed them before.

  6. There aren’t enough known metal reserves (copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt, etc.) in the world to make the big green weenie dream become a reality. Never mind the decades it would take to extract those metals.

  7. @wild bill

    Do hydrogen fuel cell vehicles spectacularly blow up like the Hindenburg when crashed properly? I guess if so the fire department could put it out quickly and only once unlike the battery powered ones.

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