Why they love large outdoor art & music festivals – IOTW Report

Why they love large outdoor art & music festivals

Why the CIA and the State Department love large outdoor art festivals & music festivals when preparing a regime change.

10 Comments on Why they love large outdoor art & music festivals

  1. The CIA and the State Department used to be for protection of Americans and promotion of liberty. Now, those two organizations are promotors of fascism and emenies of American freedom. They times they are ‘a changin.

  2. Ummm, this seems to be a stretch. A mass gathering that attends a concert also is susceptible and/or willing to participate in a regime change? I seriously doubt that concert attendees are that politically active – at least not at the time of the concert.

  3. And if they can’t get the regime change results they want with large gatherings, they quarantine us and lock our asses down. Or they send in antifa to raise hell. And then there’s Mandalay Bay.

  4. Weird scenes inside the canyon by David Mcgowan is an interesting book about some of the 60’s rock bands and their connections to various intelligence agencies. You can find it online for free.


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