Why use stock footage in a new war? – IOTW Report

Why use stock footage in a new war?

It’s either lazy media or there’s some bullshit afoot.

48 Comments on Why use stock footage in a new war?

  1. The only thing that’s real is what’s coming over the ridge in your scope. If it’s on teevee or online it’s likely fakery. Oh, and if what’s coming over the ridge has a blue helmet, they are not your friends.

  2. Yes the footage of the Vulcan cannon spraying the sky with tracer rounds chasing plane is from a military simulator, I saw that a couple of years ago.

    Rent Free Meathead

  3. I’ve said this all along. We can’t even be certain there is even a real war going on in Ukraine right now. That’s how utterly untrustworthy Western governments and “news” media are now.

  4. TheMule

    Exactly, and all media is desperately trying to rally everyone behind Ukraine. Mean while there’s several unconfirmed reports of people burning large amounts of papers out side of their Federal Buildings.

  5. We have a fake president selected from a fraud election who has been confirmed by a media that routinely puts out fake news all while we were lied to for two years about a vaccine for a virus that we still don’t have confirmation of where the virus came from or what any harmful side effects of the vaccine have done to millions of us.
    Yeah, it’s all gonna be just fine. The Democrats have this under control.

  6. Im not sure what the point of this post is. Journalists are lazy. Few of them do any real journalism. We all know that. Not surprised they would use stock photos. The authentic information is being posted online by people on scene.

  7. Saw a terrifying report from Anderson Cooper on CNN and subsequently confirmed by the news desks at the NYT and WP: Rebels from the planet Neptune have sent in saboteurs to destroy underground bunkers in Uranus!
    I mean it! Would CNN, NYT and WP tell a lie?

  8. We’re no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do I
    A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
    You wouldn’t get this from any other guy

    I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    We’ve known each other for so long
    Your heart’s been aching but you’re too shy to say it
    Inside we both know what’s been going on
    We know the game and we’re gonna play it
    And if you ask me how I’m feeling
    Don’t tell me you’re too blind to see

    Never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

  9. Again in his infinite ignorance meathead runs his mouth.

    The coastal defense scene at dusk were the helicopters and planes firing rockets at the hillside and the Vulcan gun filling the sky with tracers is from a military simulator.

    Rent Free Meathead

  10. TheMule,

    After seeing EXACTLY who was in that Freedom Convoy of Truckers & FARMERS (why does no one mention the farmers) and watching the Media Lies, I am also VERY Skeptical about the Ukraine.

    I fully believe that there is a war.
    I fully believe that there are real casualties.
    BUT, the context, reasons, & causes that led up to it, I Do Not Believe are as Black and White as MSM Presents it.
    Including FOX!


  11. “Don’t believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.”
    (Lew Bowles)
    Gov’t (including UN and all NGOs), TV, Media, Hollyweird, Academia – ALL BULLSHIT – ALL THE TIME.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I get it Meathead, I was just commenting on Brad’s fancy new moniker that he won’t use anymore as he asks MJA to help him rid the world of anonymous and ‘I am the evil white man” because he’s a coward

  13. C’mon Brad, keep using this.. “Brad, who no longer will argue with cowards.”….it gives me belly laughs. My dogs belly laugh. Hell, the squirrels underneath my bird feeders run away sniggering…

  14. There are plenty of real Ukrainian sites to follow. Elon has deployed Star Link internet over Ukraine. Legacy media is published from the laptops of basement journalists.
    Bonus: covid is out of the news

  15. Hmmmm well there is a site circulating on social media to donate money to the Ukrainian Army through a foreign bank. let me get right on that and give them my credit card information..

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