Why was Biden allowed to visit the crime scene? – IOTW Report

Why was Biden allowed to visit the crime scene?

American Thinker:
By Thomas Lifson

Make no mistake: mishandling classified documents is a crime, even when unintentional under the standard of “gross negligence.” That makes Biden’s lakeside Wilmington, DE mansion (that once belonged to a DuPont family branch) a crime scene. And the latest news that an unspecified number of classified documents (not necessarily only 6 despite widespread reports) were discovered Friday means that it was an active crime scene last weekend when Joe and “Dr. Jill” were allowed unsupervised access to their home there. MORE

8 Comments on Why was Biden allowed to visit the crime scene?

  1. The “Cleaners and Fixers”, attorneys, DOJ and the FBI collected any incriminating National Security documents well before the criminals entered their DE Mansion. Those documents will never see the light of Day.
    Do you have doubts?
    We just found out the CIA had a hand in the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.
    The way things are, in 60 years we will find out the level of Corruption and Treason of the Biden Crime Syndicate.


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