Why Was Dr. Fauci Put in Charge of the COVID-19 Pandemic After His Disastrous HIV Epidemic Performance? – IOTW Report

Why Was Dr. Fauci Put in Charge of the COVID-19 Pandemic After His Disastrous HIV Epidemic Performance?


Obviously, I am a Dr. Fauci skeptic. I often agree with his nemesis, Sen. Rand Paul. Fauci recently admitted that Paul was correct in saying that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I reported the study that Paul seemed to be referring to on May 13. It not only specifies funding from NIAID, but it also states explicitly in the acknowledgments:

Experiments with the full-length and chimeric SHC014 recombinant viruses were initiated and performed before the GOF [Gain-of-function] research funding pause and have since been reviewed and approved for continued study by the NIH. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

The NIH not only provided funding, but it also approved a continuation of the research during the pause in gain-of-function research during the Obama administration. It is not clear whether Fauci has ever been asked about the justification for that approval.

After 15 months of nearly daily research, listening to the doctors and researchers that the corporate media and health bureaucracy turned into heretics, and getting censored or forced to retract content based on politicized fact checks, I have hundreds of questions for Dr. Fauci. At this point, the one I am most curious about is how the man who botched the response to the HIV epidemic in colossal ways became the darling of the Left and then became part of leading the nation through a pandemic again. more on that here

12 Comments on Why Was Dr. Fauci Put in Charge of the COVID-19 Pandemic After His Disastrous HIV Epidemic Performance?

  1. Fauci became the “darling of the Left” because the Left HATES homosexuals, negroes, and anything else composed of tissue; which by its nature, threatens Earth.

  2. It’s a simple answer: he’s a stooge, who can easily be bribed ad controlled by the left swamp.

    He’s in over his head now. Maybe he’ll turn rat and blow the whistlem

  3. Was this another one of those issues that Mike Pence was given to manage? It seems to have a lot in common with the way the election fraud prevention committee.

  4. I hope Little Eefer ends his career with people hating him. He is evil. How can someone get paid that much and be wrong most of the time. And what about conflict of interest? Good riddance Little Eefer.

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