Why was Loretta Lynch sharing classified info with the Clinton campaign? – IOTW Report

Why was Loretta Lynch sharing classified info with the Clinton campaign?

Patriot Retort: Lost in the shrieking about “the children” is the fact that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is testifying before the Senate.

Huh. Call me crazy, but it’s almost as if that was the plan.

And one of the most shocking things we learned yesterday is that Loretta Lynch was communicating with Clinton campaign staffer Amanda Renteria during the 2016 campaign. And the content of their communication is so classified, IG Horowitz can’t discuss it openly.  more here


22 Comments on Why was Loretta Lynch sharing classified info with the Clinton campaign?

  1. It’s like if Elliot Ness were to jail the entire Capone Organization, you would also have to jail the whole Chicago police force. There were no innocents, only different levels of complicity.

    Just put them all before a Grand Jury and let the chips(guillotine) fall where it may.

  2. Loretta Lynch is and always has been a dark and nefarious evildoer. Because of that she was cosmically cursed to spend a lifetime heaving those gargantuan legs to and fro.
    Suffer you repulsive assault on our eyesight.

  3. More collusion, more corruption, more breaches of Nation Security and more disregard for the law by those who took an oath to protect and serve this nation with fidelity.

    Not one indictment, the two tiered judicial system makes a mockery of the “Equal justice under law” phrase engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building. DISGUSTING and SHAMEFUL!

  4. Corruption is their “normal”–it’s the only way they know how to be. They think everybody else is the same way but won’t admit it. They’re wrong. #Trump2020


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