Why was news just leaked that Huma Abedin was questioned by FBI a month ago? – IOTW Report

Why was news just leaked that Huma Abedin was questioned by FBI a month ago?

hillary-clinton-sniff -

AT: The Clinton spin machine went into high gear yesterday.  A series of leaks to the media cascaded out a day after Catherine Herridge of Fox News broke the story that Romanian hacker Guccifer told her that he had easily been able to hack into her private email server, and browse through the emails that we now know contained material of the highest classification.  Notably, NBC News had access to this information earlier, but sat on it for weeks, leaving the scoop to Fox News, which is bizarre behavior for a purported news organization.  But then again, other mainstream media largely have ignored the Fox scoop.

But they are not ignoring the leaks about Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s closest aide, being grilled by the FBI for two hours a month ago.  more

12 Comments on Why was news just leaked that Huma Abedin was questioned by FBI a month ago?

  1. I will take Political Protection for $500 Alex.
    Because the FBI arrested the dude and the cat was out of the bag?
    Speaking of bags, the MSM is in it for the Progs and Dims.
    But I digress, anybody with a IQ higher than room temp knows that.

  2. The socialist propaganda merchants allow Fox to drop the shoe so that they can say “That’s Fox’s lie” and not cover the story as a story, but as a “Fox” (false) story, if at all.

    Same old, same old.
    Delay, deny, deflect.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Maybe it just leaked because they were trying to keep Hillary from finding out about it. Rumor has it Huma enjoyed being “probed” by the FBI.

  4. If the Bitch of Benghazi gets indicted and has to drop out, look for the Party of Soros to invent an election suspending emergency and the MSM to become instant Baghdad Bobs for the cause.
    Crashing the economy comes to mind.
    Then expect an atrocity. Some ‘right wing nutjob’ will have a bad day with an AR15, or some Militia group will get raided by the ATF and the lead will fly.
    Then all those Homeland Security dollars will be pitted against you and me as they round up ‘outliers’ who won’t give up the guns.
    Then its mandatory butt sex for all heterosexual men so they can ‘experience the struggle’ of the LGBT community since all orifices are equal.
    All European Males will wear a yellow star to identify the White and Privileged…
    …at least until a final solution can be found

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