Why Won’t Anyone But Rubio and Cruz Say Obama Is Destroying the Country on Purpose? – IOTW Report

Why Won’t Anyone But Rubio and Cruz Say Obama Is Destroying the Country on Purpose?

rush limbaugh 2010

RUSH: […] Let’s get to the audio sound bites.  I want to start with this.  It’s the fastest way to get into this.  Because this is important, folks.  This is really, really important.  There are only two people that I’m aware of that are making a consistent point of this. Rubio, actually, is atop of this.  Rubio and Cruz are the only two in the entire Republican field. Carly Fiorina may have said something like this occasionally.  With Rubio, it’s a theme.  With Cruz, it’s close to a theme.  And the real question is: Why do the other Republicans in the field disagree?   more

29 Comments on Why Won’t Anyone But Rubio and Cruz Say Obama Is Destroying the Country on Purpose?

  1. Rubio’s right. When it comes to destroying this country, Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.

    I say again…

    When it comes to destroying this country, Obama knows exactly what he’s doing.

    He’s destroying this country. And he knows it.

  2. WHY? Because it’s the F*CKING WRONG QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE. At a minimum, it’s a DISTRACTION to ask it.

    It’s NOT “on purpose” or “incompetence.”


    The “on purpose” is a good tool/excuse, depending on the act.
    (e.g. letting illegals in, islamic terrorists go free, obamacare)

    The “incompetent” is a good tool/excuse, depending on the act.
    (e.g. no border wall, obamacare website, common core)

    The rest is a “who’s cuter? Paul or John?” pi§$ing match.

  3. It doesn’t matter who says it so long as more people start driving the point home!!
    We’ve known what this feckless, jug-eared, dog-eating, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney plastic banana Muzloid-loving, Communist Organizer was all about before he was elected the first time around!!

  4. Because very many in both parties are working hand-in-glove to help Obama attain his goals. If they admitted the truth they would be incriminating themselves for treasonous acts.

  5. AhHa. I wondered why Fat Boy jumped all over Denesh (a true hero of the counter revolution) about a month ago. This looks like it could be a very interesting story if Rush is in cahoots with GOPe.

  6. Actually, both sides are right. Obama is a bumbling, incompetent idiot, but he also wants to destroy the country. If it was just Obama he’d fail because he’s a lazy, worthless idiot, but his handlers, those who actually run the executive branch and tell Obama what to say and do, want to destroy America to make way for the new world order- a global Marxist dictatorship. And thanks to having most of the Republicans on their side (including both Cruz and Rubio) they are achieving great success.

  7. Why won’t anyone ask why the Senate has not done their duty to the country to stop Obama from destroying the country by removing him from office? I’m sure they have knowledge of his traitorous acts that are not know to the general public.

    He should be removed from office for failure to enforce the law alone. The failure to enforce border laws is only one example. Who else would get away with directing border patrol agents to collect a pay check and do no more?

  8. Because the rest of them bought the “ground-breaking art” from the “tormented artiste” to be fashionable, and they don’t want to admit they bought the drop-cloths of a con man.

  9. Many folks have been saying it and very stridently for 7+ years and the asshole is still in place doing his destruction of the country with impunity. Whats up with that majority Republicans in congress? As Confucius say: Sum Ting Wong, vely vely wong!

  10. Same as it ever was … same as it ever was.

    Same theme for thousands of years – oligarchs v. people.
    Aristocrats v. Peasants
    Nomenklatura v. Proletarians

    The Republicans cannot help themselves any more than the Demonrats. Once they have tasted the heroin of power, they are addicted. The power of life and death over your peers must be heady stuff, indeed, to corrupt the very souls of some of the more intelligent people throughout time. Men are not angels – neither are they gods – but people like HRC will kill anyone who is even perceived as a threat, and, similarly to Obola and Soros, would destroy the greatest country in the History of the Earth to further her nefarious agenda.

    Our somnambulance is our undoing.

  11. TO finai and rib

    It’s either “bought” (though less likely I suppose due to his wealth), or moreso “blackmail” (think: Justice John Roberts).

    (p.s. *everyone* knows it was George!)

  12. Look, no one is running against obama. What would the point be to get in the weeds on that with this election cycle? Better to point to all the misery and explain how you will correct and heal that than to impotently bash on obama. OBAMA ISN’T RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. Can someone please tell Rush that?

  13. All Comments, all racists as usual. Not surprising since these racist fucks are eating the works of the biggest racist, bigoted, black-hating turd today, Klansman Limbaugh.

    Not surprising only racists and bigots agree with this. It must kill them to see a President give respect and acknowledgement to groups that AREN’T white. That all this is.

    “He is intentionally dismantling and redistributing American wealth and power domestically and internationally.”

    No, he isn’t.

    Unemployment is down, the stock market is up, gas prices are down, housing has rebounded ( and booming in many areas), millions more have access to health care, and the disastrous war in Iraq is over. Is everything perfect everywhere? Of course not, but we are in much better shape now than 7 years ago. This unsigned article makes a very weak case for incompetence, idiocy, or “steps to weaken America” on the part of President Obama.

    are we WAY better off after the GW Bush debacle?

    Before Obama, we were losing 500,000 jobs per month
    After Obama, gaining 200,000 jobs per month

    Before Obama, GDP negative for a year
    After Obama, GDP became positive and now the best in the G-20

    Before Obama, DOW 6500
    After Obama, DOW 16,000
    maybe the IDIOT of the right can prove some examples.

    Um….the country isn’t ‘destroyed’. To say nothing of ‘absolutely’. Your mascara is running.

    And what crimes are you referring to? Just the ignorant rantings for a bunch of racists that can’t stand having a black man as President. that’s all this is.

  14. Questionman,
    What a marvelous display of dementia!
    And to think; you actually typed all that nonsense without breaking your fingers!

    Just for the record – Obola is half-black … and NOT a man.

  15. From day one, in 2009, Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Obama would fail in his goal to” Fundamentally Change America.” For
    that Limbaugh was trounced by both left and right.
    RUSH WAS RIGHT! I don’t know WTF some of you guys are talking about

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