Why won’t Joe Biden denounce pedophilia? – IOTW Report

Why won’t Joe Biden denounce pedophilia?

11 Comments on Why won’t Joe Biden denounce pedophilia?

  1. For those on FB who need to post something that keeps getting taken down, take a screenshot of it, then post it as a picture.
    If the picture gets taken down, draw on the edges of the picture in bright colors, put dots all over it, whatever. Save it under a new name and post it on FB again.
    Make them work for it.

    I’ve been doing that for several years now. 🤣

  2. A couple more ways to get something posted on FB.

    Copy paste the entire article (without the link. Because the link is how they find your post) then post that on FB.

    If they take that down, search for a translator page (googletranslate. Shit, use it against them. lol) paste the article and have it translated to french or spanish. Then copy/paste that into FB.
    When someone else sees it, FB will recognize it as a foreign language and ask them if they want it translated. They say yes, and that person will be able to see it.

    I take a few minutes out of the week just to figure out how I can annoy FB. But I hardly go there anymore.

    PS If you have a lefty friend who ‘reports’ your post, then it may get taken down that way. But then you can end your lefty’s friendship in return.

  3. Pedo will fondle anything put in front of him..

    Demonrats are all pedos, they have not a single ounce of morality. They all belong to Satan.

    When you see this in biblical terms you come to realize that this election is truly the crossroads between good and evil

    When your life’s perspective condones ripping off the limbs of babies in the womb and sucking out their little brains all other forms of behavior towards children are minor and acceptable.

    These people are flat out demons.


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