Why Would Anyone Want to Live in Austin Anymore ? – IOTW Report

Why Would Anyone Want to Live in Austin Anymore ?

Why Would Anyone Want to Live in Austin Anymore After What the Travis County DA Just Did?

PJM: Most police officers do heroic things when they’re needed to. Earlier this week in Austin, Texas, police officers pulled a man from a burning truck just before it exploded. The footage the police body cameras captured looks like a scene from the hit cop show The Rookie. Which, by the way, is quite good when it’s at its best.

When they’re not saving lives, Austin police are often dealing with the likes of David Olmos.

Olmos isn’t a household name unless you know the Texas prison system well. Austin police certainly know him and his body of work. The eight-time felon convict was arrested (again) on May 25, 2021, after he had allegedly carjacked and gone on a crime spree, including multiple armed robberies across Austin. more

18 Comments on Why Would Anyone Want to Live in Austin Anymore ?

  1. I briefly stopped channel surfing on “Austin City Limits” last night to see who was in concert.

    Some chick from Spain the had no remote association to any American styles of music. I lasted 3 to 4 minutes just to say I tried.

  2. Every overpass is a homeless encampment. There are a million people in city proper that was built for 180,000.

    We used to love vacationing in Austin. No more

  3. Actual quotes I’ve heard from people about Austin…

    Liberal: “The only good thing about Texas is that Austin is in it.”

    Conservative: “The only bad thing about Texas is that Austin is in it.”

    An excellent illustration of the “irreconcilable differences” between Left and Right. We can’t go on like this.

  4. Mayor Adler was just on Joe Rogan’s show boasting about his homeless and defund police policies that are purposely meant to generate crime to slow growth. Well the growth is insane, you can’t buy a house without bidding $100k more than asking and the homeless are everywhere and committing crimes in exclusive areas now too. The camping ban that was voted on to reinstate is being slow rolled and they are using it as an excuse to buy hotels and make sure every area of Austin has one of these crime ridden hellholes. City Hall has a machete armed homeless patrol harassing everyone. Not slowing down the CA transplants that think all this is normal.

  5. Austin’s govt (and lots of other cities’) has unilaterally broken whatever “social contract” there may have existed with their citizens. If the city taxes the people with the promise of protection and then reneges, then the people must protect themselves. It would be good to start telling yourselves and others that vigilantism isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  6. democRATs are cashing in on a Crisis they started over a half century ago.
    “Remember, never let a good crisis go to waste”
    Don’t have a good crisis? Make one!
    Make shitholes, destroy the shitholes and watch the problem metasticize.
    This is their 55 year dream coming to “fruition”
    Just axe Francis Piven!

  7. The author of this piece, Bryan Preston, escaped Baltimore year’s ago, to return to Texas. Sadly he moved to the Austin area. What a mistake.

    I know him pretty well. He willed me custody of his blog when he went to PJ. I kept it alive for a few years until it became a pain in the ass.

  8. Last night, the lights went out for ten to twenty THOUSAND Austinites. Ours was out from 8PM until 2AM this morning. Please, Californicators, take your power outages and go home.

  9. Back in the 60’s I lived only 1/2 mile from where I do now and we had a bomb shelter in the back yard along with various fruiting trees, grapevines, peas, and strawberry patches. All put in by the previous, original owners.

    I feared Russia nuking the big cities of America. The “Doomsday Clock” was common knowledge. Even us 10 year olds felt the fear the MSM spread daily.

    Now I just want a 1 hour notice. America would be much improved afterwards.

  10. @ Dadof4
    When Bergstrom AFB was filled with nuclear armed B-52 SAC bombers back in the 60’s, there was a secret installation just south of the dam on Lake Travis. It was manned by the US Army. It was a Nike/Hercules missile site with nuclear warheads onboard. Their purpose was to launch toward the north to intercept any Soviet ICBM’s that would be inbound from Russia to destroy Bergstrom AFB. The plan was to air burst several nuclear warheads into the path of the incoming missiles in hopes of destroying, deflecting or disabling the missiles before they could reach their intended target. The site is still there and under the control of the US Army, even though it is no longer active. There is a mock-up Nike missile there that can be seen on Google Earth. Most Americans have no idea what was going on all around them during the Cold War and that was probably a good thing. SAC was very busy deterring any enemy from attacking the US back then.

  11. Sounds like certain police officers need to……go rogue…..and make this Olmos…..just…….disappear. The police know where the cameras are….and aren’t. They know the pattern of Austin, where and when it’s most quiet. And there are ALWAYS places where a body will never be foumd. Especially if it’s buried deep enough.

  12. More evidence that urban tx & rural tx are in different galaxies.
    where I live, someone would have shot him deader than fuck in the course of 10 robberies.

  13. @Hambone

    Thanks. You just reminded me that the intercepted shit would blow up over Canuckistan!

    Hell, Its not like I could fault the logic either. 😉

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