Why Would He Lie About THIS?!? – IOTW Report

Why Would He Lie About THIS?!?

Learn THE TRUTH about where Joe Biden ACTUALLY grew up… and that his father was a wealthy war profiteer! NOT A JOKE!

11 Comments on Why Would He Lie About THIS?!?

  1. …even though it was a lie, you would think someone claiming to have his family forced out oftheir home “when coal died” would be less determined to kill MORE coal and force MORE coal town workers to leave THEIR homes, but you’d be wrong…

    …it seems to be another Pedo Joe “empathy” story, but the pedo clearly has no empathy.

    Which is further proof he never lived that lie to begin with…

  2. …of course his biggest lie remains that he is somehow the legitimately elected president of the United States, which he isn’t and never will be.

    As obvious as every other lie in that video.

    And par for the course for him.

    No surprise, he gets that from his REAL father, who lived in EVERY house with him and still does, and whom he will spend all eternity with…

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

    …that’s Pedo Joe’s dad.

    and THAT apple sure didn’t fall far from the tree.

  3. I’ve met a couple really devious personalities. They’re much more comfortable with a lie than the truth. I’m pretty sure that’s this POS. What’s amazing is that he’s been able to get this far in life.

  4. As ap consummate politician Biden is the essence of political lying (money, power, and position are what drives and sustain him.

    Contrast this with Obama who is a consummate anarchist (deceit, destruction, and false narratives sustain him).

    Biden is the perfect storm of politics.

    Both have come together to destroy America and change the future into a demonic paradise of death and slavery.

    Obama is the perfect storm of social change and chaos.

  5. Listen, it isn’t pedo criminal Joe doing a damn thing. He isn’t in charge of even his own diaper.
    So please, stop talking as if he is.

    Its obummer. Everything we’ve seen has the mark of the fag halfrican on it. Its still the fundemental transformation.

    Even the fag kenyan itself is a puppet. That turd is full blown marxist. The irony is true marxist would kill such a faggot. Except it is so useful for the time being. And brother, the time grows short.

    Kiddiediddler Biden is so loopy. You have to be friutier still to think Biden knows even how to take a dump all by himself, let alone complete a sentence.


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