Why you shouldn’t take a cruise when you desert from the Army – IOTW Report

Why you shouldn’t take a cruise when you desert from the Army

We Are The Mighty: Sircaria Coleman deserted her post as a U.S. Army company commander more than five years ago, but her run from the law ended when she walked onto a cruise ship dock in New Orleans this week, authorities said.

Coleman was arrested on the morning of Jan. 29 when the Carnival Triumph set sail on a five-day Caribbean cruise. While documents don’t specify whether the Shreveport native was going on the trip, cruise passengers with outstanding arrest warrants are occasionally captured when they check in for boarding.  more here

20 Comments on Why you shouldn’t take a cruise when you desert from the Army

  1. Before I deployed we had a shitbag in my company named Adams who went AWOL. I was friends with him on FB. While in Afghanistan I messaged him and told him he should go back and that he’d probably get at least a Company Coin for returning. He said “really”?
    What do you know, by the time we returned home he was at the company getting chaptered out.

  2. Saw the first name and formed a picture.

    Right, again.

    I’ll ask here from my friends on the site. I have a surgery consult Monday for a double abdominal hernia that chased me out of work this morning and to the doc in the box. I didn’t know they could hurt like this and the pain felt like a back muscle in spasm.

    If you would, have a positive thought they don’t amputate my left pinkie instead of patching a couple of holes in my belly.


  3. From Jethro:”DOUBLE abdominal hernia?”

    They call it bi-lateral. Yeah, one on each side right above my pecker. They told me I can’t even pick up my cats to throw one on a shoulder. The dog, Bleu, thinks this is great! Still gets his belly rubs and ear scratchin’.

  4. @Lowell, had it done at 35, hurt like hell, been better than 30 years, the patch is holding strong.
    You will feel it for a coupla years until the scar tissue forms over the patch.
    You DON’T want to sneeze or cough.

  5. I took a cruise on that ship out of Galveston a few years back. Never again! That’s the same one that broke down in the Gulf of Mexico a years before that and it was known as the cruise from hell.

  6. When a prick goes AWOL or deserts, The Post Commander comes down hard on the Company Commander, who, in turn, comes down hard on his Lieutenants and NCOs, who come down even harder on the rest of us. So when the prick is captured, he is never returned to his outfit for fear of getting a well earned ass-kicking, he usually was sent to the Brig. That’s the way it used to be. Today, however, you can get promoted while AWOL. Bergdohl Keyboard freezing.Phuckit.

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