Widespread slavery reported in UK, but police fear being branded ‘racist’ – IOTW Report

Widespread slavery reported in UK, but police fear being branded ‘racist’

World Tribune: Criminal networks have enslaved some 100,000 people in Great Britain, but police are too frightened to intervene out of fear of being labeled “racists,” anti-slavery groups say.

In a report published on Sunday titled “It Still Happens Here”, the Center for Social Justice think tank and the anti-slavery charity Justice and Care used artificial intelligence to analyze crime and intelligence reports across six towns and cities in the West Midlands to estimate some 4,197 victims of slavery in one year.

Extrapolated for the entire United Kingdom, the report came to the figure of 99,469, which does not count the victims who have not appeared in police databases. The British government had estimated in 2017 that around 10,000 to 13,000 slaves were operating in the UK.

The report said that slavery in Great Britain is being coordinated by “ruthless criminal networks” and ranges from hard labor, crime, domestic servitude, prostitution, and the trafficking and exploitation of children. more

17 Comments on Widespread slavery reported in UK, but police fear being branded ‘racist’

  1. Now, why would they be afraid of being called racist?
    Let me make a wild guess. Most of the criminal organizations are Muslim and/or black. I would add Hispanic, but since this is the UK, so guessing not as much.

    I thought all slavery was bad? Or is it only the historic slavery that the US fought a war to abolish 155 years ago?

  2. Anyone caught enslaving people gets hanged = No slavery;
    only the Western countries have become cowards in putting a permanent end to this shit.
    (I’m sick of evil using “racism” as a cover)

  3. The left appropriated “Progressive Movement“ as a moniker in an effort to gain broad acceptance and further the appeal of their political philosophy, but more than that to disguise the stone cold natural fact that their worldview is the antithesis of progressive in leading to greater joy. It is leads foreword to nothing that hasn’t already been tried and found wanting.

    Increased innocent human suffering, misery and death is their legacy whenever and wherever they achieve political power.

  4. @JDHasty – how dare you?!?! Obviously, you aren’t paying attention. According to the modern progressive, all of those that have failed just didn’t do it right.

    Or maybe their philosophy is just a bunch of crap. Coin flip says that latter.

  5. @ RogerF JULY 18, 2020 AT 12:40 PM

    Who said they failed?

    When you look at where progressivism leads every time the progressive movement has gained power and has had the opportunity to implement it’s prescribed practices and programs increased innocent humanity suffering, misery and death increase. There can be little doubt that increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death is what motivates the bastards.

  6. @JDHasty – I was referring to the socialistic ideals and the failures of the regimes (USSR, Cuba, Venezuela, etc) that progressive are most in favor of and that promoted most of the progressive agenda. I accept your correction in some other areas as my comment was a little too broad. Mea culpa.

  7. @ RogerF JULY 18, 2020 AT 1:08 PM

    Their professed “socialistic ideals” are just pretext for implementation of practices and programs designed to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    Show me where the bastards have ever personally lived up to, or even made a good faith effort to live up to their socialistic ideals.

  8. @JDHasty – sounds like we really both agree on the underlying concepts 🙂 The basis of progressivism (current usage of the term) is that they strive for “practices and programs designed to increase innocent human suffering …” If they had been done right in the past, we wouldn’t (couldn’t) be having this chat. Love the discussion

  9. @MJA – and that is why I love you. Oh drat, please do not take that as a sexual reference, or any other politically incorrect statement. Another strike towards being banned. sigh.

  10. The cops are right to fear they will pointlessly end their career if they take actions against the “friends of leftists”. It’s the higher-ups and the intellectual “elite” that should fear being knifed any time they get near a Briton.

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